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戴姆勒组装骑式双轮车是为了测试发动机。Daimler built the riding car to test the engine.

为什么会戴姆勒和丰田捏造这样的一个联盟?。Why would Daimler and Toyota concoct such an alliance?

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1926年这两大汽车公司合并为一家形成了戴姆勒·奔驰公司。In 1926 these two companies into a single vehicle formed Daimler Benz.

现在,戴姆勒汽车公司正设法将这种汽车打入美国的汽车市场。Now Daimler will try to sell the Smart Fortwo in the American car market.

北京福田戴姆勒汽车有限公司成立于2012年2月18日。Beijing foton Daimler automotive co. , LTD. was established in February 18, 2012.

蔡澈认为,新能源车将是未来戴姆勒在华的新增长点。Zetsche said alternative-energy cars will be the new growth point for Daimler in China.

戴姆勒表示,高海纳仍是戴姆勒员工,但他的下一个职务还没有确定。It said Mr Gaertner remained a Daimler employee but his next position had not been decided.

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世界十大汽车公司之一,创立于1926年,创始人是卡尔·本茨和戈特利布·戴姆勒。World's top ten car companies, was founded in 1926, founder Karl Benz and Gottlieb Daimler.

分析师格奥尔格表示,宝马5系的竞争对手是戴姆勒公司的奔驰E级和大众奥迪A6。BMW’s flagship model competes with Daimler AG’s Mercedes E- Class and Volkswagen AG’s Audi A6.

戴姆勒和本茨各自发明了自己的自动车,他们后来一起成立了戴姆勒公司。Daimler and Benz, who had developed their automobiles independently, later founded Daimler AG.

继第二季度利润高于预期后,戴姆勒公司今日提高全年预期。Daimler today raised a full-year forecast after second- quarter profit beat analysts’ estimates.

结果克莱斯勒被博龙资产管理有限公司收购,取代了之前的梅赛德斯AG公司。Chrysler instead was acquired by Cerberus Capital Management LP from its previous owners, Daimler AG.

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戴姆勒公司的蓝色和银灰色豪车迈巴赫首次亮相,流行歌手丽安娜•刘易斯担任车模。Daimler debuted the blue and silver Maybach at the show, with entertainment by pop singer Leona Lewis.

“梅赛德斯”是幸福的意思,意为戴姆勒生产的汽车将为车主们带来幸福。"Mercedes" is the meaning of happiness, which means owners of Daimler vehicles produced will bring happiness.

但是戴姆勒在1886年8月29日为他的骑式双轮车申请专利时,便为进入自动车纪元创造了条件。But Daimler set the stage for the automotive era when he filed his patent for the riding car on Aug. 29, 1885.

戴姆勒公司出产梅塞德斯-奔驰车和卡车,被控告为了获取合同向政府行贿。Daimler which produces Mercedes-Benz cars and trucks, is said to have made payments in order to secure a contract.

他们说,相关谈判已开始很久,目前仍在进行中。雷诺和戴姆勒拒绝置评。Discussions have been long- running, and are still ongoing, these people said. Renault and Daimler declined to comment.

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福建戴姆勒位于福建省福州市闽侯县青口投资区内,总投资2.08亿欧元。Fujian Daimler is Located in Qingkou Investment Zone of Minhou County, Fujian. The total investment is 208 million Euros.

欧洲经济依然依赖于戴姆勒公司等久负盛名的龙头企业,依赖公共部门创造就业岗位。The European economy remains dependent on long-established corporate champions such as Daimler and on public-sector jobs.

第一次世界大战后,戴姆勒和奔驰公司密切协作,在相同的海报上大做广告。After the First World War the Daimler and Benz companies worked closer together, generally advertising on the same posters.