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演出马上就开始。The performances will commence in a minute.

斗牛在二十分钟后开始。The bull-fight was to commence in twenty minutes.

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接着问她要号码,试着开始接触。Ask her for her digits and commence contacting thusly.

我建议你们从里向外堆放。I suggest you commence the stowage from the inside out.

每年这个光阴,农民们开首犁地。At this time of the year farmers commence to plow their fields.

救世军从哪一年开始在新加坡展开活动?In what year did the Salvation Army commence operations in Singapore?

这些评论和批评是必然的,并不令人感到奇怪。These commence and criticism are inevitable and not at all surprizing.

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一旦该园艺被完整处理过,便可以开始活化仪式。Once the topiary is properly treated, the animating ritual can commence.

服务业和农业的谈判将于二零零零年再度展开。Further negotiations on services and agriculture were to commence in 2000.

只有经过这样一个“握手”后,数据交换才能开始。Only after this “handshaking” is complete can the exchange of data commence.

一些分析师曾预计澳大利亚央行几个月后开始加息。Several analysts had expected the RBA to commence rate hikes a few months later.

然后一个消息流读取该消息并开始所需的处理。A message flow would then read that message and commence the required processing.

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现在我就将开始你们召唤我上任的被赋予如此高度信任的职务。I shall forthwith commence the duties of the high trust to which you have called me.

发展中国家,如墨西哥和巴西,将在2040至2045年左右开始减排。Developing economies such as Mexico and Brazil would commence reductions around 2040-2045.

比赛就要开始了,我们都非常兴奋,也能感觉到大家对我们的热切期望。The event was about to commence and we could feel the rush of anticipation surrounding us.

有关建筑工程将在一九九八年十一月开始。Building will commence in November 1998 and the project is expected to be completed in mid-2001.

代表工商业界向当局反映意见,并就工商业政策及法例提出参考建议。Reflect opinions to local authority and raise suggestions concerning industry and commence policy.

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拍卖人用洪亮的声音招呼大家闪开一点,然后宣布拍卖即将开始。The stentorian tones of auctioneer, calling out to clear, now announced that the sale to commence.

他同他的研究伙伴现在正在筹措资金来进行这项引导性研究。He and his fellow researchers are currently seeking funding to commence this introductory research.

每次分娩开始后24小时,就可建立每日固定的饲喂量。Hours after farrowing commence the steady building of feed on a daily basis with no preset maximum.