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读读诗。Read poetry.

诗一卷。Poetry volume.

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如绳缕般的诗句。Strands of poetry.

这本唐寅诗集,是谁的?Whose poetry is it?

我们可以写诗We can write poetry.

休赋惜春诗。Hugh Fu Xichun poetry.

舞文弄墨,作诗以名。Prose, poetry to name.

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这诗是写实的。This poetry is realistic.

诗歌与音乐相近。Poetry belongs with music.

他的散文读起来像诗一样。His prose reads like poetry.

悠悠文心,殷殷诗胆。The heart of poetry lingers.

这是一首哲理性诗歌。This is a philosophic poetry.

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并非所有的韵文都是伟大的诗篇。Not all verse is great poetry.

诗能感动天和地。Poetry moves heaven and earth.

中大最诗情画意的地方在哪里?Where lies the poetry of CUHK?

而他又如何叙写游仙诗?Why did he write these poetry?

毕竟我们都咏读过不少诗歌。After all, we both read poetry.

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诗意的流泪,空城,一个男人。Poetry tears, empty city, a man.

我希望您能读一些好的诗作。I hope you know some good poetry.

我再也没有给他吟过诗。I never read poetry to him again.