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谁听说过一个乡下人是宿命论者?Who ever heard of a fatalistic farmer?

有人可能会将这看成一种宿命型思维。Some may see this as fatalistic thinking.

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每一盏灯似乎提醒一切由命运注定。Every street lamp seems to beat a fatalistic warning.

王以宿命的态度面对这场自然灾难。Wang takes a more fatalistic view of the natural disaster.

而同样是这种积极的宿命论令他在这六个星期更加坚强。That same positively fatalistic approach has strengthened him these last six weeks.

诗中反映了作者对惨淡生活的宿命论观点,尽管同时也显得勇敢而坚定。Such poems refected the fatalistic views towards sorrowful life as well as courage and determination.

乍看起来,最近有关战争和侵略的研究似乎支持这一宿命论的观点。Recent research on warfare and aggression seems, at first glance, to support this fatalistic conclusion.

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随后的采访中发现,持宿命论的孩子比其他孩子更容易以身犯险。Subsequent interviews found these fatalistic kids engaged in more risky behavior than more optimistic kids.

哈代小说中浓郁的宿命色彩被称做悲剧意识,或是悲观意识。The rich fatalistic colour in Hardys novel is called "Pessimistic Consciousness" or "Tragic Consciousness".

宿命论的艺术结构只是一种公式化、普遍化的模式,其中包含着丰富的社会内容。In other words, it is affirmation of contradiction. Fatalistic artistic structure contains abundant content.

社会流动观念开始挑战以往对阶级和等级的宿命态度。The concept of social mobility is starting to challenge a previously fatalistic attitude to class and caste.

在英国的流感季节现在正处于高峰,你感染与否只好听天由命吧。The flu season in Britain is peaking right now and it is easy to feel fatalistic about your chances of infection.

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也不要有宿命论,认为承认遗传因素作用,似乎就没有治好的希望了。Does not have a fatalistic view that recognition of the role of genetic factors, it seems that there is no hope of cure.

然后,时过境迁,对于这个处于长期衰落的国家来说,日本航空的破产就像一颗炸弹震动世界。Today, for a nation ill at ease with itself and increasingly fatalistic about long-term decline, JAL's bankruptcy is a blow.

除了这种狂热无度的存在于一个人的身上就像狂犬病存在于一只狗身上一样危险的疯癫,还有那种可怕的宿命论的冷漠。Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy.

这是一个王后置生死于度外的哭喊,还是一位服事上帝的女子忠诚的决心?Is this the fatalistic cry of a queen resigned to her death, or the faith-inspired statement of a woman who serves a sovereign God?

从这种比较豁达和非宿命的人性观来看,我们的运动是超时代、跨物种的辉煌的创造。Our sports, in this rather happy, no fatalistic view of human nature, are more splendid creations of the no datable, trans-species play impulse.

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孔子改造原始天命观建立原初人学思想后,孟子和荀子分别从不同的角度发展了孔子的原初人学理论。Confucius changed the original fatalistic view to primitive humanitarianism, Mencius and Xunzi developed Confucius thesis from different perspectives.

几个世纪以来,受到在海啸,火灾,地震之后重建城市,庙宇和家园的影响,许多日本人的性格中都增添了几分宿命主义的气质。The legacy of centuries of rebuilding cities, temples and homes after tsunamis, fires and earthquakes has provided many Japanese with a fatalistic streak.

有人认为道是宿命,浅读会觉得人应当无为,静待事情的降临而被动反应。There are those who think that dao is fatalistic. A simplistic reading is that one should wander, without plan, allowing for things to happen and to respond to them.