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他充任仲裁人。He acted as arbiter.

仲裁者是初任法官陈卓光。The arbiter is a junior judge, Denny Chin.

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仲裁者是初任法官陈卓光。The arbiter is a junior judge, Denny Chin.

国家还是法律的仲裁者。The state is also the final arbiter of law.

任何大党或老党都不能以最高发言人自居。No big or veteran party can pose as the supreme arbiter.

他是球队的启明星,球队的领导者,球队格局的制裁者。He is the team's star, its leader and its arbiter of style.

基金组织被认为是良好经济政策的仲裁者。The fund is supposed to be an impartial arbiter of good economic policy.

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在这种情况下,最高法院就不同问题充当最后的裁决者。In this circumstance, the court acts as final arbiter on a difficult issue.

幸福会作为经济健康的仲裁者而取代GDP的位置吗?Is well-being about to take the place of GDP as the arbiter of economic health?

对于是否合乎宪法,法院本来是最终的裁决者。The court is supposed to be the final arbiter of what is or isn't constitutional.

到1179年,亨利国王攀上了权力顶峰,成为欧洲的霸主。By 1179 Henry was at the height of his power. He had become the arbiter of Europe.

如果其中一个机器崩溃,仲裁程序将让该机器暂时停止活动。If one of the machines has crashed, the arbiter will make that machine stand down.

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这与我们的本能背道而驰,让意识沦成为仲裁者。This goes against our instincts, which have made the conscious mind the arbiter mundi.

乔布斯作为对产品决策的最终仲裁者,对于自己的意见是非常坚定的,他的同事这样评价。As the final arbiter on product decisions, Mr. Jobs, colleagues say, is uncompromising.

真正的傲慢是假设自己是民主程序的最终仲裁者。The true arrogance is imagining that you are the final arbiter of the democratic process.

联邦最高法院是所有国家法律的最终仲裁者,拥有宪法的最终解释权。The court is the last arbiter on all the country's laws, and the ultimate interpreter of the constitution.

随着世界经济放缓、贸易保护主义日益抬头,要实施仲裁贸易争端,一个强大W.T.O.必不可少。A strong W.T.O. will be needed to arbiter trade disputes as the world economy slows and protectionist urges simmer.

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可是佐伊尔和西塞罗是两回事,西塞罗用思想来裁判,布鲁图斯以利剑来裁判。But Zoilus and Cicero are two different persons. Cicero is an arbiter in thought, just as Brutus is an arbiter by the sword.

他说,当他无法出席评论活动时,他也不情愿推荐一位竞争对手。他反问道,“我为什么要给别人活儿干呢?”When he can't make a gig, he says, he is loath to recommend a rival. 'Why should I give someone else work?' asks Mr. Arbiter.

常见的错误是为了让电路能够侦测出「悬而未决」的亚稳状态,而将仲裁者推向特别的决定。A common error involves a circuit that notices the "hung" meta-stable state and pushes the Arbiter toward a particular decision.