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舒特先生和舒特太太非常难过。Mr and Mrs Shute were very sad.

舒特夫妇有一个女儿叫简。Mr and Mrs Shute had a daughter called Jane.

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您是国际贸易公司的舒特先生吗?Are you Mr. Shute of International Trade Corporation?

舒特一家人住在美国南部。The Shute family lived in the southern part of the USA.

喂,我是乔治•舒特,我想跟布朗先生讲话。Hello. This is George Shute. I'd like to speak to Mr. Brown, please.

舒特夫妇有两个孩子。一个是女儿,另一个是儿子。Mr. and Mrs. Shute had two children. One was a daughter, the other was a son.

飞行记者南希·舒特,本文投稿至NPR,科学美国人,及其它媒体渠道。Flying journalist Nancy Shute contributes to NPR, Scientific American, and other media outlets.

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渤海国与中亚粟特文明的关系是渤海史研究的新领域。The research on the relations of Bo sea kingdom and Shute culture is a new research field on Bo sea history.

在南澳大利亚,和一群十几岁小姑娘的谈论中,舒特和她同事发现,像乔这样的情况普遍的叫人难以置信。In peer discussion groups with teenage girls in South Australia, Shute and her colleagues found that Jo’s situation is incredibly common.

阿帮峦溪的水流清澈见底而又凉意十足,溪流边长满了百合树、巴婆树和松树,去年秋天我和舒特、拉格斯还在这里附近进行了调查。Abrams Creek was running clear and cool, shaded by tulip poplars, pawpaws, and pines, on the day I belly flopped in with Shute and Rakeslast fall.

去年一个秋日,清澈、沁凉的艾布拉姆斯溪在鹅掌楸、番木瓜和松树掩映下流淌,我与舒特以及雷克斯同行,用肚皮先入水的方式扎进溪流。Abrams Creek was running clear and cool, shaded by tulip poplars, pawpaws, and pines, on the day I belly flopped in with Shute and Rakes last fall.

这些天来,舒特和拉格斯发现自己不只是在抓鱼,把它们带到特设的方舟里去,而且还在追踪那些已经回归自然的鱼进展如何。These days Shute and Rakes find themselves not justcapturing fish to bring aboard the ark but tracking the progress offish they have already returned to the wild.

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后来,舒特站在诺克斯维尔的仓库里,在冒着气泡的鱼缸间说起他曾见识过比艾布拉姆斯溪境况更糟糕的地区,以及在那之后仍旧保持乐观态度的原因。Later, standing among burbling aquariums in the Knoxville warehouse, Shute talked about how he had seen much worse places than Abrams Creek and about why he remains optimistic nonetheless.