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雷达探测出一炮艇。A gunboat was detected by the radar.

炮艇朝陆地开炮。The gunboat opened fire on the mainland.

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我们投标造一炮艇。We bid for the construction of a gunboat.

士兵从炮艇侧弦登船。Soldiers enter the gunboat from the sides.

我方炮兵部队的炮火向他们的炮艇扫射。The fire of our artillery troops raked their gunboat.

但是,这一事件却未必是炮舰外交的产物。But the incident itself was not a product of gunboat diplomacy.

而且中国的炮舰外交实验有更深层的逻辑。There is also a deeper logic to China's experiment in gunboat diplomacy.

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帝国主义侵略者总是向被侵略国施展他们的炮舰外交。Imperialistic aggressors always use gunboat diplomacy to invade countries.

坎贝尔上尉命令舵手驾驶炮艇。Lieutenant Campbell ordered the man at the wheel to steer for the gunboat.

渔民们也没有说是否有其他机会确认小炮艇的身份。They did not say whether they had any other opportunities to identify the gunboat.

美国军方常使用炮艇外交的战术来粉碎恐怖主义行动。The US military often uses the tactic of gunboat diplomacy to squelch acts of terrorism.

日政界指责中方的炮舰政策,并警告由此导致冲突的风险。Japanese politicians condemned China’s gunboat tactics and warnedof the risk of conflict.

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政府近来被批评越来越依靠炮舰外交。The government has lately been criticized for its increasing reliance on gunboat diplomacy.

他们因大炮巨舰政策而臣服于日本,所以应当“恢复”正常的独立国家。They were forced to be subjugated to Japan by gunboat policy and should be "returned" to normalcy being an independent state.

正在美国进行正式访问的巴玛强调说,当时这艘菲律宾海军炮艇在转舵时遇到转向困难。Is an official visit to Bama United States stressed that the ship was when the Philippine Navy gunboat in the case of steering difficult to turn.

在韩国和土耳其争夺季军的比赛开战的那天上午,一艘朝鲜炮艇对一艘韩国警备艇发起了攻击,打死了18个人。On the morning of South Korea's third-place play-off against Turkey, a North Korean gunboat attacked a South Korean patrol boat, killing 18 people.

日本昨天完全控制了上海,击沉了我方1艘水手满员的小型内河炮艇海燕号,并夺取了另外1艘美国炮艇。The Japanese yesterday took complete control at Shanghai, sank with all hands one of our small river gunboats, the Petrel, and seized an American gunboat.

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日本人昨天完全控制了上海,击沉了我们的一艘小型炮艇及其全部人员,并俘获了一艘美国炮艇。The Japanese yesterday took complete control at Shanghai, sank with all hands one of our small river gunboats , the Petrel, and seized an American gunboat.

强化军事同盟的倾向有所抬头,新的“炮舰政策”正在肆虐,地区性冲突此起彼伏。The tendency towards closer military alliance is on the rise. new forms of "gunboat policy" are rampant. regional conflicts have cropped up one after another.

强化军事同盟的倾向有所抬头,新的“炮舰政策”正在肆虐,地区性冲突此起彼伏。"The tendency towards closer military alliance is on the rise. New forms of " gunboat policy"are rampant. Regional conflicts have cropped up one after another. "