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亲和力在比赛中的影响会越来越小吗?Does likability mean less to the end of the competition?

因此,可爱程度可以深刻影响谁会获得一份工作。As a result, likability can have a profound influence over who gets a job.

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找到与他人的共同之处的能力是讨人喜欢的基础。The ability to find common ground with others is a cornerstone of likability.

嗨!王老师。我是个可爱的男孩!我的名字叫钱宜亮,英文名叫迈克。Hi! miss wang. I am likability of boy! My name is Qian Yi Liang, English name is Mike.

事实上,这么多年来,正是这种迷人的性格和亲民的素养陪伴他一路踏行到今天。In fact his winning personality and likability have served him well through the years.

越来越多的雇主会追踪员工在内部社交网络和聊天服务上的受欢迎度。More employers track employees' likability on in-house social networks and chat services.

可爱与你的长相有一点关系,但更多的在于你给别人留下什么样的感觉。Likability has something to do with how you look but a lot more to do with how you make people feel.

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难能可贵的是,以上种种,却丝毫不让人觉得腻味,因为电影里的小演员实在是出色了,尤其是女孩。None of this stuff becomes cloying, thanks to the likability of the young actors, especially the girls.

同时这些青少年还要接受和磁共振扫描,且还要问询其对这些歌曲的喜爱程度。The adolescents underwent MRI scans while listening and were also asked to rate the songs for likability.

第二个为什么要在90秒内给人留下友善的印象的原因与人们的注意力广度有关。The second reason for establishing likability in 90 seconds or less has to do with the human attentionspan.

一个真正有用的态度也正是惹人喜爱的主要因素之一------并且它还非常有效。Really Useful Attitude is one of the major delivery vehicles of the likability factor—and it works like a charm.

但将亲民与信任混为一谈,通常会在需要做出艰难决定的时候造成麻烦。When likability is confused with trust, it can quickly becomes a problem when it's time to make tough decisions.

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桑德伯格说,她最终意识到女人和男人不同,要在成功和可爱之间权衡。Sandberg says she eventually realized that women, unlike men, encountered tradeoffs between success and likability.

然后,这个团队让178名独立的外界观察者从吸引力、可爱度和自恋程度方面对这些照片做出评估。The team then had a group of 178 independent, outside observers rate the photos for attractiveness, likability and narcissism.

当这首歌的流行程度未被告知时,只有百分之十二的参与者改变他们对歌曲喜欢程度的评分。When no information about the popularity of a song was displayed, teenschanged their likability rating of the song 12 percent of the time.

有研究指出运用性感广告手法能增加大众对其之留意程度,而另方面却减低广告之喜爱程度,其影响在女性中更甚。On one hand it is powerful in gaining attention of the audience but on the other hand the appeal decrease likability to the advertisement especially in female group.