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这是给大丹狗吃的吗?Does a great dane live here?

我说,戴恩也是你的儿子。I said, Dane was your son too.

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戴恩是我的一部分,是我所能从你那里得到的一切。Dane was my part, all I could get from you.

丹尼尔也讨厌坐在车里。他是不会去打报告的。Dane hates sitting in the car too. He won't tell.

夏奈尔香水,“分享这份梦幻”,DDB,1979Chanel, "Share the fantasy", Doyle Dane Bernbach, 1979

吉布森是年夜丹狗,而布布则是吉娃娃狗。Gibson is a Great Dane and Boo Boo is a Chihuahua dog.

拉尔夫,对着你珍视的一切至神至圣,我发誓,戴恩是你的儿子。By all that you hold holy, Ralph, I swear that Dane was your son.

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这只句型的丹麦狗住在亚利桑那的图桑,它身长3尺7英寸。The Great Dane from Tucson, Arizona stands 3 feet, 7 inches tall.

达尔马西亚狗命名的来源除了与那么多著名的地点有联系,也和大丹犬有关。Despite those famous spots, the Dalmatian is related to the Great Dane.

鲍勃买了一条大丹犬并教它使用比尔家院子里的厕所。Bob buys a Great Dane and teaches it to use the bathroom in Bill's yard.

就像莫格利一样,被抛弃的小鹿Cindy和巨大的大丹犬Rocky组成了一个新家。Cindy the abandoned fawn finds a new family with Giant Great Dane Rocky.

当发生飓风的时候,那个文质彬彬的丹麦人坐在藤椅上用藤条责打他的儿子。The urbane Dane sat on a cane chair and caned his son when the hurricane came.

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他们把戴恩埋在了克里特岛上的某个地方,我搞不清埋在什么地方,什么时候埋的,为什么埋在那里。They’ve buried Dane somewhere on Crete, and I can’t find out where, when, why.

今年的得主是来自印第安纳州的大丹犬Allie,她的尾巴长达24英寸。The award goes to Allie, a Great Dane from Indiana. Her tail measures 24 inches.

马默杜克是一只可爱的大丹狗,它正努力调适家人搬到加州的问题。He's a lovable great dane who tries to cope with his family's move to California.

那是戴恩的脸庞,那一脸的愁苦却是戴恩不可能再经受的。It was Dane’s face, with a suffering written upon it that Dane would never live to feel.

参加比赛是第一个目标,我们现在的目标就是在青岛能取得一枚奖牌。That was our first goal. Now our goal is trying to leave Qingdao with a medal," said Dane.

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但是要是有人来我家的话,第一个问候他们的就是一个160磅的大丹狗。But people come to my house, and the first thing that greets them is a 160 pound Great Dane.

三夏尔斯展示了与丹麦河流源头的距离并不遥远的老包马大桥。Three Shires head showing the Old Pack Horse Bridge not far from the source of the river Dane.

Samish和Dane竭尽全力保护她,而她也极为精准地反复射击一个机器人。While Samish and Dane tried to protect her, she shot a droid repeatedly with unerring accuracy.