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我求求您宽恕我。I ask for your mercy.

上主对人只会慈悲施恩。God offers only mercy.

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我们恳求你发慈悲。We pray you for mercy.

众神还有怜悯心吗?Have the gods no mercy?

他们任她宰割。They were at her mercy.

他请求宽恕。He interceded for mercy.

开恩就是死的痛快点。Mercy is to die quickly.

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对我发点慈悲吧。Do have some mercy on me.

让仁慈来缓和峻法吧。Let mercy season justice.

慈恩医院,218号病房。Mercy Hospital. Room 218.

真主的慈恩确是临近行善者的。The mercy of God is near.

以仁慈来缓和峻法。Season justice with mercy.

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我们恳求你发发慈悲。We pray you to show mercy.

她恳求他大发慈悲。She implored him for mercy.

等待的是悲号怜悯。Waiting for the wail mercy.

我恳求你发发慈悲。I entreat you to show mercy.

我求你发慈悲饶恕我。I throw myself at your mercy.

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他们受到仁慈的待遇。They were treated with mercy.

我们对于小惠亦当感谢。We do pray you to show mercy.

我们错在过于仁慈。We erred on the side of mercy.