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因此,简单地说,这似乎有一个正在进行的计划。So, in short, there seems to be a plan afoot.

还有更多的两面的动。And there are more mysterious dualities afoot.

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同样的过程今天正在阿富汗进行。The same process is afoot today in Afghanistan.

主要举措是在进行中的数字印刷市场。Major moves are afoot in the digital print market.

且慢,似乎一场小规模的糖果革命正在进行。But wait, it seems that a minor confectionary revolution is afoot.

投资者仍在担心更偏于基本面的变化即将出现。The worry for investors is that a more-fundamental change is afoot.

在很早的时候我就认识到这里有一种文学正统。It became clear to me early on that there was an orthodoxy afoot here.

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破茧成蝶的光阴还在酝酿着。目的地着实不悠远了。Cocoon into butterfly years also is afoot. Destination is not far away.

如果一款媒体播放器告诉你它需要发送短信息,这里面一定有什么阴谋。If a media player tells you it needs to send SMS messages, something is afoot.

重商主义时期是资本主义生产计划性的发轫期。Mercantilism period is sex of capitalist production plan set sth afoot period.

后续的计划将邀请民革来北京进行政治和投资会谈。Plans are afoot to invite the MDC to Beijing for political and investment talks.

高尔夫进奥运??There's a movement afoot to make golf an Olympic sport by 2016. At the earliest.

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在另一次倒退中,正在着手计划为德夏银行最糟的资产创造坏银行的形象。In another throwback, plans are afoot to create a “bad bank” for Dexia's worst assets.

最奇怪的事情之一就是许多人对于转行的人有偏见。One of the strangest miscalculations afoot in the land is a bias against career changers.

在他用新帐来偿还旧账的时候,媒体察觉到了一丝犯罪的痕迹。As he paid off old clients with money from new ones, the press scented criminal mischief afoot.

目前,人们正在准备在亚洲实施这一项目,并扩展该软件的功能。Plans are afoot to implement the project in Asia — and expand the functionality of the software.

夜晚过去了,第二天午饭后,雷卓斯和我又步行上路了。The night passed, and the next day, after dinner, Redruth and I were afoot again and on the road.

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但那些态度不友好的克隆人士兵告诉他绝地正在进行叛乱,然后赶他离开。Instead, he was shooed away by the implacable clone troopers, who told him a Jedi rebellion was afoot.

要是我们把他留在森林里,又无马可骑,那将是对神圣教会不礼貌的冷漠表现。Methinks it were but poor courtesy, and cold regard to Holy Church to leave him afoot here in the forest.

还有很多工作在进行中,还不能太具体去透露,希望玩家与媒体理解。Still have afoot of a lot of jobs, still cannot too specific go divulging, hope player and media understand.