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这让我们这些中国孩子很受震动。It was jarring for us Chinese kids.

这无疑是他的报告中最不和谐的部分。This was, easily, the most jarring part of his talk.

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对舞蹈演员来说,落地会产生很大的反弹力,也有可能因此受伤。Landing can be very jarring to a dancer and can cause injuries.

水也能减缓冲击力,意即不会对筋骨造成强大撞击或剧烈震动。It also reduces impact, meaning no jarring or pounding on joints and bones.

这部分也不和谐,因为它包含私底下自夸的成分。This section was also jarring because it primarily consisted of backdoor brags.

环形固定的膜片对振动或震动有抵抗性。The annular clamped diaphragm is extensively insensitive to jarring or vibration.

把一家电视网作为变革的动因这个观点让一些美国新闻人不快。The notion of a TV network as a change agent may be jarring to some US news people.

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坚贞的木箱和箱内雅缦丬的填充可防止木箱受震、开裂。Solid packing and overall stuffing can prevent the cases from vibration and jarring.

时代杂志昨日发布了部分摘要,读起来就像是蹩脚拙劣的模仿文。Parts of the excerpts released by Time magazine yesterday read like a jarring parody.

这是很令人震惊的,你终生习惯了驾驶,一切则都显得很自然。It's quite jarring.You spend your entire life being driven around and it seems rather natural.

南面40英里处,26岁的杰夫•西格尔被一次剧烈的震动抛下床。Forty miles to the south, 26-year-old Jeff Siegel was thrown from his bed with a jarring thump.

不久,我就从同事们那边了解到一些消息,是关于对泽尔办事风格与态度发生不太和谐的改变有关的报道。Soon I got messages from colleagues reporting on a jarring change in Zell's tone and demeanour.

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在信中,卡扎菲上校称呼奥巴马为“吾儿”,虽显亲切,但极其刺耳。Colonel Qaddafi addressed Mr. Obama as “my son” in a letter that was jarring for its familiarity.

这一个运动是平滑的和容易的和同样地是自由的如可能的从反弹,腾跃或辗轧的。This motion is smooth and effortless and is as free as possible from bouncing, prancing or jarring.

这次灾难中,最为悲惨的悲剧来自都江堰市郊区一座倒塌的学校。One of the most jarring tragedies of the disaster was the school collapse in a suburb of Dujiangyan.

它是石油、地质勘探钻井工程中新型的向上震击工具。It is a new type of up jarring tool used in oilfield , geological exploration and drilling operation.

这种充满着舞蹈、掌声和喊叫的礼拜或许会令不习惯于此的人感到刺耳。They are full of dancing, clapping, screaming and shouting that may seem jarring to the untrained ear.

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因此8月24日,当联邦特工突击搜查位于纳什维尔的吉布森工厂时,真可谓是“一举激起千曲不合音”。So it struck a jarring chord when federal agents raided Gibson’s factories in Nashville on August 24th.

这可能会让许多人,像你说的那些学过孟德尔定律的人,很惊讶。This may seem jarring to a lot of people who, as you say, learned the more simplistic Mendelian version.

在布鲁塞尔,华丽的词藻和现实完全是两样不同的事情,就算按布鲁塞尔的标准来看,本周的声音一直是不和谐的。EVEN by the standards of Brussels, where rhetoric and reality lead separate lives, this week has been jarring.