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性传播感染对女性健康的不良影响STIs adversely affect the health of women

这对水分移动,渗透度及通气性有不利影响。This adversely affects water movement, permeability, and aeration.

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一个连续相撞可能会严重影响技术、成本,以及进度基线。A pileup could adversely impact technical, cost, and schedule baselines.

显而易见,这种不舒适的感觉必然给人们带来了不利的影响。It is obvious that such uncomfortable feelings must affect people adversely.

美国联邦调查局发言人理查德·科尔克称,“本次拖欠话费未对秘密调查活动造成不利影响”。FBI spokesman Richard Kolko said “no investigations were adversely affected”.

因贵州达地乡山区进入冬季天雨和霜冬期,严重影响建筑工程的进度。The heavy rain and snow period has adversely affected the construction progress.

如下表所示,网速慢可能会影响性能。As shown in the following chart, a slow network can adversely impact performance.

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研究结果表明,钒对高铬铸铁的耐热性有着明显的不良影响。The heat resistance of high chromium cast iron is adversely influenced by vanadium.

有可以接受的对您的计划产生负面影响的失败率。There is an acceptable failure rate that does not adversely affect your enterprise.

许多迹象表明噪音对较高级脑力工作成果有不利影响。Most of the evidence indicates that noise affects adversely higher mental task output.

相反,对农民问题视而不见或漠然处之,那就是贻误了中国最大的问题。On the contrary, despite the problem of farmer affects the problem of China adversely.

如果是简单的气候变化就能影响到这些钢琴的话,那他们是怎样提供保修的?How could they offer a warrantee if simply changing climates would adversely affect them?

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这样的推荐剂量对绝大多数水果和蔬菜的质量没有不良影响。Such recommended dosed do not adversely affect the quality of most fruits and vegetables.

虽然沉淀物无害,但尝起来有苦味且对葡萄酒的口感形成不利的影响。While the sediment is not harmful, it tastes bitter and adversely affects the wine's mouthfeel.

那就一定要在不妨碍安定团结的条件下实现生动活泼。We should try to achieve liveliness on condition that stability and unity are not adversely affected.

很多操作能使容器基础架构逆向影响性能,即使是最低限度。Container infrastructure can adversely impact performance for many operations, even if only minimally.

我们的测试表明,用远程调用来检索这些信息对性能会有负面影响。Our tests indicated that remote calls to retrieve this information would adversely affect performance.

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台湾的大学排名落后,原因有如下数端。The ranking results of Taiwanese universities could also have been adversely affected by the following.

货币兑换率的波动可对相关资产的价值造成负面影响,连带影响牛熊证的价格。Currency rate fluctuations can adversely affect the underlying asset value, also affecting the CBBC price.

土壤湿度的差异可能改变草的种类,这将会对牲畜的饲料产生不利影响,灌木生长的增加可能刺激蚊子和其他疾病传播媒介,它们可能传播诸如高地疟疾、昏睡病和裂谷热等疾病。Differences in soil moisture can alter the type of grass grown, which will adversely affect livestock feed.