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但分泌高峰延迟。But secretion peak detention.

他们是因何被拘押?What is the reason for their detention?

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我已经把她关在拘留房里面了啦。I've put her away in the detention room.

滞留全班学生是不公平的。The detention of the whole class was unfair.

我们对你儿子实行刑事拘留。We are placing your son in criminal detention.

第一个10天拘留期在周日已结束。The first 10-day detention period ended Sunday.

青春活泼的心,决不作悲哀的留滞。The youth lively heart, never be sad detention.

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这是一座高度机密的政府拘留中心。It is a top secret, government detention center.

青春活泼的心,决不作悲哀的留滞。——冰心心。Thee youth lively heart, never be sad detention.

她最近刚刚度过第5000个被囚禁的日子。She recently passed her 5, 000th day in detention.

犯罪嫌疑人目前正被刑事拘留。The suspect is currently under criminal detention.

囚犯们从拘留营获释了。The prisoners were discharged from the detention camp.

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目前三人已被警方依法刑拘。Currently three Detention by the police according to law.

而退水时间越长,所需滞洪容积越小。A long recession time will require small detention volume.

别投票,如果你支持亿万富翁的偷逃税行为。Don’t vote if you support 90 day detention without charge.

我建议应该延长对毒品涉案人员的拘留时间。I suggested extending detention periods for drug offenders.

他目前被关押在遂宁市看守所。He is currently being held at the Suining City Detention Center.

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人抓到了,在办理各种手续后送进了看守所。People caught in the formalities, and sent to the detention house.

目前,犯罪嫌疑人吴X华已被刑事拘留。At present, the suspect X-hua Wu has been under criminal detention.

他现已被释放,但仍被非法拘禁。He has been released but remains under extra-legal house detention.