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南费奈尔大街878号。Sure. 878 Fennel South.

还有茴香猪肉丸。and pork meatballs with fennel seeds.

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粉碎少数孜然或茴香种子和添加。Crush a few cumin or fennel seeds and add.

喝那加了茴香的水,冰镇果汁。Drink water scented with fennel , sherbet.

舀一大勺茴香菜薄荷酱汁,浇在汉堡一边。Spoon fennel and mint dip aside of the burger.

适合与海鲜、茴香香草鳕鱼柳搭配。Seafood, Burbot filets with fennel and fresh herbs.

在海鱼上撒切断的茴香菜绿菜丝。做为香料。Sprinkle some chopped fennel leaves on flake fillet.

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添加准备好的番茄和茴香籽再煮一分钟。Add the tomatoes and fennel seeds and cook for a minute.

盐,黑胡椒,小茴香,干香叶,一个大料。Salt, Black Pepper, Fennel Seeds, Dried Basil, Star Anise.

烟熏三文鱼,茴香,芦笋色拉配芥末调味汁。Smoked salmon, fennel & asparagus salad, mustard dressing.

妈妈买了茴香豆给爸爸做下酒菜。Mom has bought some fennel beans for Dad to go with the wine.

茴香的新芽和洋葱的植株现在也显得多了起来。Also showing in numbers now are the fennel shoots and onion sets.

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此种状况应多吃黑豆、核桃仁、小茴香等。This situation should eat black beans, walnuts, fennel and so on.

牙膏我用墨鱼骨和野生茴香种子混合而成。For toothpaste I use a mixture of cuttlefish bone and wild fennel seeds.

取出热盘子,放上小牛肉,辣椒炒茴香菜,还有煮土豆。Take warm plates and put veal , chilli fennel and boiled potatoes on it.

厚厚的芦笋和茴香夹在切的薄薄的火腿片里。Thick spears of asparagus and fennel were draped with thinly sliced ham.

麦基斯建议在小米中加入欧芹和茴香以增强效果。McKeith suggests adding parsley and fennel to the millet for an extra kick.

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将渍茴香分三个间隔放在盘中。Arrange three mounds of fennel compote on a plate leaving space between each.

新鲜辣椒和茴香菜放入炒锅里用葵花籽油和黄油炒5分钟。Fry chilli and fennel in a sauce pan with vegetable oil and butter for 5 minutes.

清蒸大虾,石榴,茴香和芝麻菜沙拉配石榴和番茄酱。Poached prawn, pomegranate, fennel &rocket salad with pomegranate& tomato dressing.