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什么是核反应?What Is a Nuclear Reaction?

原子物理是我的专业。Nuclear Physics is my major.

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这是一个袖珍型核子的冬季。It was a mini nuclear winter.

禁止原子武器和核武器?。Ban atomic and nuclear weapons?

最显见的就是核武器。The most obvious is nuclear war.

但我们还是建造了这个核电厂.Well, we built the nuclear plant.

是铀氧化物之核子燃料。The nuclear fuel is uranium oxide.

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我对原子物理学所知甚少。I know little about nuclear physics.

核辐射能够改变基因。Nuclear radiations can change genes.

核武器,那也太20世纪了。Nuclear weapons are so 20th century.

世界应该禁止核弹。World should bann the nuclear bombs.

整个核工业界为这次“核文艺复兴”欢呼雀跃。Industry hails "nuclear renaissance."

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核膜重建包围着染色体。Nuclear membranes re-form around them.

我们强烈反对使用核武器。We deplore the use of nuclear weapons.

核事故如何影响人类健康How do nuclear accidents impact health?

当然是核能了,那还用说。Nuclear energy, that's what is crazier.

核武器是一个陷阱,而非庇佑。Nuclear weapons are a trap, not a gift.

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这艘船是以核子动力来推动的。The ship is propelled by nuclear power.

谁说的核心家庭才是正常的?Who says the nuclear family is natural?

刺梨的胚乳属核型。The endosperm formation is nuclear type.