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出现“血友病沙皇”也为期不远了。A haemophilia tsar cannot be far away.

转位子是产生如血友病一类遗传病的一个致病因子。Transposons are one cause of genetic diseases such as haemophilia.

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研发领域覆盖糖尿病,肥胖症,生长激素缺乏症及血友病等疾病。The research areas cover diabetes, obesity, growth hormone deficiency and haemophilia.

目的探讨手术患儿合并血友病的围手术期处理。Objective To discuss the periioperative management of children suffering from haemophilia.

鼻子有异物,血友病,老鼠药中毒,鼻子肿瘤破裂,车祸或者鼻子受了外伤。Foreign material in nose, Haemophilia , Ratsak Poisoning, Ruptured nasal tumors, Car Accident or direct injury.

一些像大欧蒙德街医院这样的医院,已经在使用这种血液检测来帮助诊断可能患有血友病的男性胎儿了。Some hospitals, like Great Ormond Street, already use them to help detect male babies that could have haemophilia.

这些遗传病通常只发生在男性身上,如肌肉萎缩、血友病等。These are genetic disorders that only affect males normally. They are things like muscular dystrophy and haemophilia.

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1935年霍尔丹JBS——现代基因学的创始人之一,对一组患有血有病的人进行了研究。In 1935, one of the founders of modern genetics, JBS Haldane, studied a group of men with the blood disease haemophilia.

在对慢性淋巴性白血病和B型血友病的治疗中,也有一些关于治疗效率的指导意见。There are also initial indicators that point to the efficacy of gene therapy in treating chronic lymphatic leukaemia and haemophilia B.

本文介绍了血友病B的发病机理以及以反转录病毒载体为工具进行血友病B基因治疗的研究进展。This review focused on Haemophilia Bs mechanism and the new development of retrovirus vector used in the gene therapy of Haemophilis B.

这个案件被170个人抱怨,他们的孩子,遭受血友病和血液疾病珠蛋白生成障碍性贫血的痛苦。The case followed complaints by families of some 170 people, many of them children, suffering from haemophilia and the blood disease thalassemia.

现在供应颇为紧张的是产科的儿童保育用药及癌症、癫痫、血友病、地中海贫血病用药。The medicines now under threat are for childcare, in the maternity departments, and for conditions such as cancer, epilepsy, haemophilia and thalassemia.

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地中海贫血和镰状细胞病等病症患者还需要定期输血,并且血液被用于制造各种制品,例如供血友病患者使用的凝血因子。It is also needed for regular transfusions for people with conditions such as thalassaemia and sickle cell disease and is used to make products such as clotting factors for people with haemophilia.