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修道主义真正崛起了。You have the real rise of monasticism.

修道形式存在很久以前耶稣基督诞生的。Forms of monasticism existed long before the birth of Jesus Christ.

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在过去的历史修道一词有两种截然不同的技术含义。In the history of monasticism the word has two distinct technical meanings.

以退为进,这好象是僧侣制度的座右铭。To abdicate with the object of reigning seems to be the device of monasticism.

这两种修道形式,在三世纪开始发展。You have both these forms of monasticism starting to developin the third century.

从历史、理性和真理的角度出发,僧侣制度是该受谴责的。From the point of view of history, of reason, and of truth, monasticism is condemned.

对象的修道生活,是上帝的爱在最高程度可能在这方面的生活。The object of monasticism is to love God in the highest degree possible in this life.

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修道院制度和禁欲主义的发展是早期基督教会的重要运动。Monasticism and Asceticism develop as important movements in the early Christian church.

同性恋的爱在这个时期很重要,一直延伸到基督教的一神论。Homosexual love was important in this period and carried over into Christian monasticism.

这个观念的形态对于以后修道院灵修教导,是个有趣的主题。The morphology of this notion is an interesting theme in monasticism and pedagogy henceforth.

尼瓦佛教独一无二的特征与僧团的特点将会在本文内分析。The unique features of the Newar Buddhism and validity of its monasticism is analysed in this article.

的基本理念修道在其所有品种的隔离或退出世界或社会。The basic idea of monasticism in all its varieties is seclusion or withdrawal from the world or society.

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很多人浪漫化了出家生活,将其看做一个逃避尘世生活和责任的快捷之道。Many romanticise monasticism as a way to make a quantum leap to escape worldly life and responsibilities.

这一时期的道教也不断借鉴佛教的经验而日趋成熟。They learned the concept of monasticism from the Buddhists, who greatly influenced Taoism during this period.

所以他们遵行的,是早期的禁欲主义和修道主义,但同时又有很浓重的先知性质。So they were practicing a certain kind of early asceticism and monasticism but with this very strong prophetic stream of it also.

东西方神秘主义思潮和禁欲主义为基督教所吸收,这成为修道制度诞生的思想来源。The East and West mysticism and the asceticism absorb for Christianity, this becomes the thought origin that the monasticism is born.

修道是一个生活的事情,因此它必须被告知与自决原则的议案和适应性,其环境。Monasticism is a living thing and consequently it must be informed with a principle of self-motion and adaptability to its environment.

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罗马帝国的高压统治及其对待基督教的政策是修道制度兴起的社会政治原因。The Roman Empire high-pressure rules and its treats Christianity the policy is the social politics reason that the monasticism emerges.

虽然有共同的不可知论和关注这个世界等特征,佛教中优先考虑的个人精神探索、超脱和隐修生活等对儒学构成了威胁。Despite their shared agnosticism and focus on this world, the primacy of the individual spiritual quest, detachment, and monasticism in Buddhism posed a threat to Confucianism.

埃及首创了基督教教理学校,是修道制度的发源地,还经历了基督教历史上最严重的迫害。The catechetical school of alexandria was originated in egypt. egypt is the birthplace of christian monasticism also has experienced in the christianity history the most serious persecution.