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猎人在密林中追踪一只牛羚。The hunter slotted a gnu in the woods.

主要是和二进制文件相关的。The GNU Binutils are a collection of binary tools.

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GUN很快就成了黑客活动的主战场。GNU quickly became a major focus for hacker activity.

它是完全免费的,鼻翼的GNU通用公共许可证。It's completely free, ala the GNU General Public License.

大部分的开发相关的工具来自于GNU项目。Most of the development related tools come from the GNU project.

它拥有一个基于GNU类路径的净化类库和一个内置的解释器。It has a cleanroom class library based on GNU Classpath, and a built-in interpreter.

为此目的,麻省理工学院的程序员理查德•斯托尔曼于1984年建立了GNU项目。To that end, Richard Stallman, a programmer at MIT, founded the GNU Project in 1984.

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作为一个GNU项目,它可能在非专有芯片组上使用GCC进行更彻底的测试。Being a GNU project it is probably more thoroughly tested with GCC on non-proprietary chip sets.

斯坦福大学的数学教授,丹尼尼·巴布在空闲时编写一个名叫GNU的围棋程序。Daniell Bump, a mathematics professor at Stanford, works on a program called GNU Go in his spare time.

有些自由软件基金会的软件,则适用GNU函式库通用公共授权规定。Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by the GNU Lesser General Public License instead.

1992年,除了操作系统内核之外,完成GNU系统的所有必要部分。In 1992, all the essential pieces of the GNU system were complete, except for one, the operating system kernel.

第二章给出了GNU通用公共许可证第二版的中文译本,并对许可证的主要条款进行了分析。The second chapter presents a translation of GNU GPLv2 in Chinese, and includes analyzing about the main terms.

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就BASH的情况,要解决的问题是符合POSIX标准的自由软件版shell成为GNU系统的一部分。In BASH's case, the problem to be solved was a free software version of the Posix standard shell to be part of the GNU system.

本文所述系统平台使用GNU开发套件集,包括GCC编译器和GDB调试器,驱动程序由C语言编写。This system platform is based on GNU development tool kit, including GCC compile and GDB debug, the drive is writed in program C.

Make是GNU的Make,cc和c99都属于GCC,虽然这些看起来会在将来的某一时刻被Clang所替代。Make is GNU Make and cc and c99 are both GCC, although it seems likely that these will be replaced by Clang at some point in the future.

“自由使用”意味着文件是属于公共领域、创作共用授权和GNU自由文档许可证。The term ‘freely usable’ implies files under public domain, Creative Commons Attribution Sharealike and GNU Free Documentation Licenses.

因为Torvalds发布这个软件是基于GNU许可证的,所以它能比那些在封闭的专有许可证下面的软件传播的更快。Because Torvalds released the software under the GNU license, it was able to spread much quicker than under a closed proprietary license.

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GNU是在“公共版权”的前提下发行的,利用这个方法就可以通过使用版权法允许用户使用,修改,复制和发行软件。GNU is distributed under "copyleft, " a method that employs copyright law to allow users to use, modify, copy and distribute the software.

由于它们各自都没有提供完整的解决方案,所以编写了一个把它们组合起来的算法。Since neither of these on its own provides a complete solution, an algorithm was written to combine the two. To quote from the GNU Aspell manual

是个用于创建大型文档存档的系统,包括一个可搜索的元数据数据库。GNU EPrints is a system for creating large archives of documents, with a searchable database of metadata. It's main target is for scholarly material.