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“小仙女”是你的名字。"Nymph" is your name.

潘不知道哪根芦苇是仙女。Pan did not know which reed was the nymph.

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法厄同是阿波罗和水泽仙女克吕墨思所生的儿子。Phaethon was the son of Apollo and the nymph Clymene.

幼虫、若虫和成虫均具有明显的活动能力。The larva, nymph and adult have the ability of activity.

一天,一个更富有想象力,使用了若虫或飘带。And on a more imaginative day, the use of a nymph or a streamer.

只有那个坐在戴安娜身边的侍女似乎在直视亚克托安的脸。Only the nymph right next to Diana seems to stare him in the face.

阿基里斯为一名伟大的希腊战士,是海仙女特蒂斯之子…Achilles was a great Greek warrior and son of the sea nymph Thetis.

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若虫,然后融合成一个成年人,而这仍然是在爬。The nymph then molts into an adult while it is still in the burrow.

是个守护神,林中仙女从风神得孕而生。He was a guardian spirit, the offspring of a nymph and the wind god.

他强烈地渴望着这一切,像牧神渴望林间的仙女一样。He wanted it all with a horrible intensity, as the faun wants the nymph.

夏----受感染的若虫通过叮咬动物或人来传播莱姆病。Summer----Infected nymph bites animal or person, transmits Lyme disease.

森林之女走近我,用她那香气袭人的双手蒙住了我的眼睛。Then the Nymph of the Jungle approached me and laid her scented hands upon my eyes.

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我抓起我的相机和闪光灯迅速的拍下了一只猎蝽若虫。I grabbed my camera and a flashlight and snapped this shot of an assassin bug nymph.

朱诺怀疑这母牛的形体里隐藏着一个人间美女的身躯,她的猜测确乎合理。Juno suspected with reason that the heifer's form concealed some fair nymph of mortal mold.

奖杯高38厘米,有两个弯曲的把手,分别为萨梯造型和少女造型。The 38cm cup has two cast scroll handles, one in the shape of a satyr and the other a nymph.

达芙妮就是为逃避阿波罗而变成一颗月桂树的女神。"Daphne" is a nymph who metamorphosed into a laurel tree as a means of escaping from Apollo.

当初玫瑰只是林中仙女的尚无生命的一粒种子。一天,花神克罗斯偶然在森林的一块空地上了它。It was just a lifeless seed of a nymph that Chloris found one day in a clearing in the woods.

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它的成年人所给予我们的名字列在五彩缤纷蜉蝣若虫文章。Its the adults that were given the colorful names that we listed in the Mayfly Nymph article.

2002年,一座曾经妆点Allianoi浴场的水神像被抬到地面。A statue of a water nymph that once graced Allianoi's baths was lifted to the surface in 2002.

说明高密度的稻蓟马若虫将对克螟稻2号为害更严重。It is indicated that a higher nymph population could cause more serious injure in Kemingdao 2.