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小丑上场表演许多滑稽动作。The clown came on with many antic gestures.

你用嬉笑的无心来躲避我的赠与。With antic absent-mindedness you shun my ability.

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在实验室,安迪和同事们在培养皿中逐一探测了单个神经元的电活动。Antic and colleagues probed the activity of neurons in lab dishes one at a time.

他们通常是你的滑稽特别是年轻一代的认同部分。They usually are particular recognised portion of your antic younger generation.

它们可以是具体的广为接受的一种早期的特别滑稽元素。They can be specific well-accepted an element of the particular antic earlier days.

这不知死活的奴才,竟敢套着一个鬼脸,到这儿来嘲笑我们的盛会吗?What dares the slave come hither, cover'd with an antic face, to fleer and scorn at our.

他们可以填满与货架上的一个抗或看一些现当代设计。They could be filled up with shelves of an antic look or some modern contemporary design.

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依山傍水的历史名城绝对是喜欢浪漫的蟹子的理想的度假目的地。An old city by the water is the perfect vacation destination for a antic like you, cancer.

这不知死活的奴才,竟敢套着一个鬼脸,到这儿来嘲笑我们的盛会吗?What dares the slave come hither, cover'd with an antic face, to fleer and scorn at our solemnity?

主要有各种规格内墙砖系列产品,各种规格的复古砖系列产品,釉面地砖系列产品。Our main products are all kinds of serial products about wall tiles, antic tiles and glazed floor tiles.

任何和孩子们打交道多的人都知道他们是怎样不断地做个什么怪动作然后说“看我”。Anyone who has much to do with children knows how they are constantly performing some antic and saying "Look at me".

每一个案发现场都会发现一个小丑娃娃,而少女的脸上露出小丑娃娃一样的微笑。Each case discovers a metropolis to discover an antic baby, and the smile like antic baby is being shown on the girl's face.

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这位老乡绅竟然在大厅里手舞足蹈起来,并且还用其他许多滑稽动作来表示他的狂喜。The old gentleman began to caper and dance about his Hall, and by many other antic actions, to express the extravagance of his joy.

这种程序激怒了一些欧洲人士,因为在大西洋彼岸,私下达成的协议永远不可能有如此广泛的影响力。The process has angered some Europe ans, since a private agreement could never confer such sweeping powers on the other side of the Atl antic.

与孩子们打交道的人都知道,孩子们是如何一边做了一些滑稽动作,一边说着“看我”。“Anyone who has much to do with children knows how they are constantly performing some antic and saying "Look at me" "Look at me "is one of the most fundamental desires of the human heart.