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接吻声,仿狼嚎,吧哒嘴唇。Kissing sounds, howling, and smacking lips.

做出接吻声音,仿狼嚎,和吧哒嘴唇。Making kissing sounds, howling, and smacking lips.

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有时候一场患病真的能给人精神上的洗礼。Sometimes an illness acts like a spiritual head smacking.

一锅热腾腾的砂煲牛肉汤终于可以端上了。A pot of lip smacking clay pot beef soup is ready to be served.

不要趴在食物上吃得像一头猪一样哼哼,还吧唧嘴巴。Don't fall on the food like a pig, snorting and smacking your lips.

雄龟会流出口水,并击打嘴唇发出声音,或是发出嘶嘶声。The male may drool and vocalize with a lip- smacking sound or a hiss.

如果换成一粒煮老了的豌豆,其危险就象一个400磅的保险柜以60英里的时速砸在你身上。A hard-boiled pea is as dangerous as a 400-lb safe smacking into you at 60mph.

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这真是个自相矛盾的意外,因为米克尔之前说过他渴望加盟切尔西。It is a gob- smacking surprise because Mikel had said he was keen to join us at the time.

她摇动了车轮,用一张扑克牌卡在轮幅处,倾听扑克牌和轮幅相碰发出的滴答声。She spins a wheel and listens to the clicking sound of a playing card smacking the spokes.

他说爷们点撑过去,然后拍了一下我的头,我被拍的晕了过去。He told me I should be a man and suck it, swiftly smacking my head, causing me to pass out.

“社交网络”本身就是一个侮辱性词汇,是搧在无情和绝望上的耳光。"Social networking" itself is a disgusting phrase, smacking of ruthlessness and desperation.

比如喜欢打孩子的父母,一般不会说,“我就是喜欢打孩子“A parent who enjoys smacking his child " will typically not say, "I enjoy smacking my child."

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倘若时间就是金钱,为何要把时间浪费在你闹钟旁边打瞌睡呢?If time is money, why waste it by continually smacking the snooze on your bedside alarm clock?

在中国不少地方,吃饭咂嘴是个好迹象,表示你吃得香。Many places in China, smacking your lips is a good sign. It means that you are enjoying the food.

没有什么比大声的嚼口香糖,并发出吧嗒吧嗒响声听起来更美味了。Nothing sounds as yummy as the noise made by someone cracking their chewing gum and smacking their lips.

他冲向前场,在将球射进球门前疯狂地扯下了自己的球衣。He races upfield, and just before smacking the ball into the net, tears off his shirt in a wild celebration.

小飞行器大胆俯冲,猛烈地砸在地狱猫的头上,接着又朝舱门急速升高。The flying thing made an audacious dive, smacking the 'Cat rudely on the head, then zooming for the hatch again.

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我已经用完了自己打小孩的配额,我觉得我要寻找一种更长期的策略。Having used up my self-imposed smacking quota, I feel I need to progress to a strategy with rather more longevity.

拍打队友头部与赢得更多比赛之间的关联,即便算不上出人意料,也让人印象深刻。An impressive, if not surprising, correlation between smacking one's teammate on the head and winning lots of games.

然而,我知道有一对夫妇就是通过这种方式来证明他们对彼此的爱,并且每一次都乐在其中。However, I know of a couple of testers who love the head smacking animations so much that they let themselves get caught every time.