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他住在一个恶浊的房子里。He lives in a dingy room.

他留给他小间昏暗的房间。He left for his small dingy room.

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他独自一人住在伦敦一间昏暗的客卧两用出租屋里。He was living alone in a dingy bedsit in London.

穷人住在昏暗的朽烂的房子里。The poor were housed in dingy rotting buildings.

一个黑暗的屋顶被竖立起来,遮盖住了圆顶玻璃天花板。A dingy roof was erected, hiding a domed glass ceiling.

小空间并不意谓着黑暗、肮脏、狭窄。Small spaces don't have to feel dark, dingy or cramped.

第一百五十五章四阿哥头顶绿油油?Chapter 155 four elder brother is the altitude of head dingy green?

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那小白脸占了她的便宜,也灰溜溜地逃走了。The little white-faced account of her cheap, dingy places to escape.

我想把房子刷一下。房子并得又脏又暗了。I want to get the house painted. It is getting a bit dirty and dingy.

坦率地说只有一点点的小历史,也许其中会有写很愉快的记忆,当然也有其中昏暗的时候。Pleasant enough, bit of history, but frankly a little bit, well, dingy.

我们在市政厅的一间昏暗的办公室里结婚了,一点也不浪漫。We got married, rather unromantically, in a dingy office in the town hall.

展馆内有点昏暗但,但里面的中国工作人员却面带微笑。The pavilion looked dingy but the Chinese manning those stalls were smiling.

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火把摇晃中,箭飞一般射出,带着暗响。The torch namely fluttering, the arrows flies common project, take dingy ring.

轻轻暗忖,她不会那么好运气遇上个传说中的大人物吧?Lightly dingy Cun, she isn't so in luck lap to escape into a legendary somebody?

当时19岁的史蒂芬妮·杰尔马诺塔正在纽约市肮脏的俱乐部里当服务生和歌手。Then 19, Stefani Germanotta was waitressing and singing in dingy New York clubs.

到处都是铁轨,黑摸摸的酒馆和穷人肮脏的住屋。All about were railway tracks, dingy saloons and the dirty tenements of the poor.

他身穿一件肮脏的羊毛色大衣,头戴一顶扁平的灰色帽子,足登一双牛皮靴。He wore a flat gray cloth cap, a dingy wool-colored greatcoat, and cowhide boots.

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咎取暗黑色牙齿的其它罪魁祸首包括可乐、肉汤和深色果汁。Other culprits to blame for dingy teeth include colas, gravies , and dark juices.

在其中一幢楼房里,费利克从一位名叫布里奇特的爱尔兰妇女那里租了一间昏暗的房间。In one of buildings Feliks rented a dingy room from an Irish wom an called Bridget.

里面的天花板低小,灯光昏暗,空气中弥漫着陈腐的烟雾。Inside the ceilings are low, the lighting dingy and the air thick with stale smoke.