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时光飞逝,知道死神的到来。How time flied. Death god came to Ali.

在那个梦境中,我有双翅膀而且能随意飞翔。In the dream, I had wings and flied freely.

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这样的一个小过失就让他恼羞成怒。He just flied into rage at such a peccadillo!

白鹤抖了抖翅膀飞走了。The white crane quivered its wings and flied away.

他们等了好久,直到老鹰飞了回来。They waited for a long time until eagle flied back.

我自己是一只蝴蝶由树洞飞出来。There's myself, a butterfly flied out from the tree.

虽然电子商务迅速蹿红的各行各业。Although e-commerce quickly flied red all walks of life.

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接着我们站在桥上放了三只纸飞机。Then we stood on the bridge and flied three paper planes.

在红十字会的保护下,正在空运进医药用品。Medical supplies are flied in under the aegis of the red cross.

地震后,温家宝总理第一时间赶到灾区视察救灾工作。Premier Wen Jiabao flied to Chengdu to oversee rescue operation.

他可是一个狂人!这样的一个小过失就让他恼羞成怒。He is such a fury! He just flied into rage at such a peccadillo !

随着一阵拔尖的煞车声,樱子的一生轻轻地飞了起来。With the breaks screeching, Yingzi's life flied in the air gently.

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我们飞到过旧金山,也走过金门大桥。Wehave flied to San Francisco and walked on the Golden Gate Bridge.

当晚,关跃就乘飞机赶到北京拿回取货单。At that night, Guan Yue flied to Beijing to fetch the bill of lading.

12月4日,蒋介石飞往西安督战。On December 4, Chiang Kai-shek flied to Xi'an to supervise the battle.

他的灵魂飞到了天上,变成了雷公。The spirit of Pangu flied to heaven and was ordained as the God of Thunder.

他从北京直飞南京就是为了参加一个非正式的晚宴。He flied non-stop from Beijing to Nanjing to attend an informal dinner party.

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这些天,我的生活有点空白,时间一晃而过不留痕迹在我的脑海。My life these days was somewhat blank and time flied away without any trace in my mind.

斯里蓝卡官员说从星期一开始就有将近100000的平民加入战区。Sri Lanka's official say nearly 100,000 civilians have flied the war zone since Monday.

然而,谁又能料想得到,一个半月后,飞回来的,只是你那不灭的灵魂。However, only your deathless soul flied back to me unexpectedly a month and a half later.