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亦或只是没有勇气?Or Just Gutless?

你太忙?亦或只是没有勇气?。Are You Too Busy? Or Just Gutless?

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虚度二十七载,殿下。Twenty-seven gutless years, your highness.

虚度?那我怎么从来都没见过你?Gutless years? How come I have never seen you?

你是个胆小鬼。You're gutless. You're a wimp.You're a chicken.

继续,这个光辉理论听起来有点胆小。Still, this glorious theory sounds a bit gutless.

有些公司的很多人都没有胆量。A good number of people in corporations are gutless.

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利物浦什么时候曾经如此窝囊的在默西塞德德比中投降过?HAVE Liverpool ever surrendered the Merseyside derby in such a gutless manner?

他攻击我,攻击我的妻子,这正证明他自己是个没出息的胆小鬼。By attacking me, by attacking my wife, he has proved himself to be a gutless coward.

它就必得卧在地下、舔着手爪相似一只美好的、无胆量的、宠爱猫儿。All he's good for is to lie on the ground licking his paws, like a nice gutless pet cat.

为了直到晚上结束时再自行设立的胆,你失去了我的尊重。To wait until the end of the evening to own up was gutless and you have lost my respect.

一位国际关系的知名学者表示,其同僚为缺乏勇气的疑问者,并不会在国家或社会犯错时加以指正。An eminent professor of international relations says his colleagues are gutless wonders who won't tell the state or society when they are wrong.

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“你们都错了”,第四个说,“律师是最容易的,他们没心、没肠、没骨头,而且他们的脑子用钱就能换掉。”"You're all wrong, " said, the fourth. "Lawyers are easiest. They're heartless, spineless, gutless and their heads and asset are interchangeable.

美国的军方是太胆小了而不敢跟一个第三世界的国家打仗!S. military is too gutless to fight anything other than a third world country. Too bad really but then again losing is hard on the psyche, you know.