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我祝贺他!I congratulate him!

人们都恭喜我。People congratulate me.

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吉英,我恭喜你。Jane, I congratulate you.

我向你表示祝贺。I want to congratulate you.

我恭喜这支19岁以下青年队。I congratulate the Under-19 team.

约翰是第一个祝贺我。John was the first to congratulate me.

祝贺你,音乐会精彩极了。I'd like to congratulate you very much.

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明天我会祝贺他的,是的。I gonna congratulate him tomorrow, yeah.

除此之外,他们会祝贺我。They congratulate me but that's about it.

我要第一个向你道喜。I'd like to be the first to congratulate you.

在你毕业之际,我向你表明衷心祝福。I'd love to congratulate you as you graduate.

我祝贺你们的这一成就。I congratulate all of you on this achievement.

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我们预祝你事业成功。We congratulate you beforehand on your success.

值你毕业之际,请允许我向你表示祝贺!Allow me to congratulate you on your graduations!

我祝贺克莱伦斯,他是最出色的球员之一。I congratulate Clarence , he was one of the best.

呃,太太,我很高兴,现在我可以给您道喜啦。Well, ma 'am, now I am happy to congratulate you.

“我必须祝贺小伙子们,”弗格森爵士说。"I have to congratulate my lads, " said Sir Alex.

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我为我的两位恩师高兴而祝贺。I am happy for my teacher to congratulate the two.

我要祝贺沙欣完成了他的首秀。I wish to congratulate Sahin for making his debut.

我们也必须赞扬毕尔包竞技的表现。We must congratulate Bilbao for their performance.