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他不想再加入到这些人中间。He is not sure he wants to rejoin them.

米米和她的家人前往突尼斯与父亲团聚。Mimi and her family went off to Tunisia to rejoin her father.

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残余部队重整编队,再次进入攻击阵形。Nagase All remaining squadrons, rejoin into attack formation.

现在,我们重新加入为Trivesco公司工作的Mark。Now, let’s rejoin Mark, who works for a company called Trivesco.

以上就是关于我怎样再一次加入到受雇者行列的故事。So, that is the story of how I came to rejoin the ranks of the employed.

在添加停止节点之前,先重新联接各个分支,以避免出现意外的全局关闭现象。Rejoin them before adding the stop node to avoid an unintended global shutdown.

威廉·阿达玛是如何让汤姆·泽瑞克命令钛灵飞船重新返回舰队的?How does William Adama get Tom Zarek to order the Tylium ship to rejoin the fleet?

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有一天你将再结合你的双生子火焰而你将螺旋形离开颜色蓝色。One day you will rejoin your Twin Flame and you will spiral out in the color BLUE.

现在左转航向230,我正带你穿越航道。从南面再次加入。Turn left now heading 230, I'm taking you through the localizer to rejoin from the south.

在他于2008年5月被释放后,他马上回到奎塔重新加入塔利班。Upon his eventual release in May 2008, he headed straight for Quetta to rejoin the Taliban.

它还允许利比亚重新加入世界,他说,经过多年被避之唯恐不及国外。It has also allowed Libyans to rejoin the world, he says, after years of being shunned abroad.

她又和自己的儿子和女儿取得了联系,她希望全家人很快团聚在一起。She has been re-united with her son, above, and her daughter, she hopes, will soon rejoin them.

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认为不能独存后,这些吉尔尼斯的原住民又回到联盟…Seeing that they can no longer survive alone, the worgen residents of Gilneas rejoin the Alliance.

完成了物质交换的脱氧血从毛细血管汇入小静脉,然后再经由大静脉返回心脏。Capillaries rejoin into larger venules , which unite to form veins, which carry blood back to the heart.

空气司机可能会以租借的形式回归富勒姆,因为利物浦正打算甩掉这个包袱。Paul Konchesky could rejoin Fulham on loan as Liverpool explore ways of offloading the unpopular full back.

几年前,厄立特里亚暂停了它在政府间发展组织中的成员身份。尽管它最近试图重新加入,但却遭到断然拒绝。Eritrea suspended its membership in IGAD a few years ago, but its recent attempt to rejoin has been rebuffed.

营救人员表示,希望这些鲸鱼游回巴斯海域后能够能重新融入另一鲸鱼群。Rescuers say they hope the whales will rejoin another migratory pod once they swim back into the Bast Strait.

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周二,伴随着国家队比赛的阶段性落幕,三位球员返回了切尔西参加训练,卡劳正是其中之一。Salomon Kalou was one of three players to rejoin training at Chelsea on Tuesday following international duty.

老师说可以不答辩,但是只给个及格,要是答辩的话可能得良和优。The teacher says to need not rejoin, but give a pass mark only, if rejoin the likelihood gets fine and actor.

小贝于上周日离开惠灵顿,前往温哥华去见妻子维多利亚,为她的辣妹回归演唱会助兴。He left on Sunday to rejoin wife Victoria as her reformed group The Spice Girls played a concert in Vancouver.