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做的不像样。Do not presentable.

我得使自己像点样。I have to make myself presentable.

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我这笔字拿不出手。My handwriting is not presentable.

这套旧衣服还穿的出去吗?。Is this old suit still presentable?

她的针线活挺象样的。Her needlework is quite presentable.

她的针线活挺像样的。Her needlework is quite presentable.

总是听到男人在抱怨现在的女人不像样?!Always hear men complaining now women not presentable?

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你能不能让自己看上去拿的出手一点?Could you please make yourself a little more presentable?

瞧瞧你自己,连件像样的衣服也没有。Look at yourself, you even don't have one suit which is presentable.

如果你穿戴好些,你的自我感觉会很好,你会觉得自己很成功,很得体,已经准备好来应对这个世界。You'll feel successful and presentable and ready to tackle the world.

您会感觉很成功,也很象样,并且准备好去应对世界。You’ll feel successful and presentable and ready to tackle the world.

不可以邋邋遢遢,在顾客面前你一定要看上去还过得去,干净利落。Don't be sloppy, you have to look presentable and neat around customers.

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您所想要的只是一套让您在出席这次会议时看起来很不错的衣服。All you want is an outfit that will make you presentable at the conference.

如果不需要把详细数据以一种漂亮的格式来保存,又何必自寻麻烦呢?If there's no need to keep detail data in any kind of presentable format why bother?

与脸蛋漂亮相比,干净而耐看的女孩子其实更有市场。Guys don't actually look after good-looking girls. they prefer neat and presentable girls.

我将我的三流乐队进行了转型,这群孩子在5月份举行了一次像样的春季音乐会。I transformed my third-rate band into a group of kids who had a presentable spring concert in May.

但是如果是一个长相马马虎虎,但是有很好的待遇和良好的习惯的话,你也不能太挑剔了。But if a vaguely presentable guy with a good salary and nice habits shows up, you can't be too picky.

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还有秋雨哩,北方的秋雨,也似乎比南方的下得奇,下得有味,下得更象样。Yet the autumn rain, in northland also seemed stranger, is more exciting and more presentable than in southland.

当然,我希望穿着整洁,但是我基本上对时尚没什么兴趣,而且大部分时间也不化妆。Sure, I like to look presentable – but I've got virtually zero interest in fashion, and I don't generally wear makeup.

山木瓜有着极佳的外观,果片呈五角形状,这让它看上去很别致。The fruits have an awesome aspect and the slice of the babaco is in the shape of a pentagon, which makes it very presentable.