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哦,这是我的发明。Oh, this is my invention.

所以这就是我们的发明。So this is the invention.

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每个人都有一项新发明。Everybody had a new invention.

轮子是公元前六世纪发明的。B. C. saw the invention of whee.

这并非是好莱坞首创This is not Hollywood invention.

轮子是公元前六世纪发明的。B. D. saw the invention of wheel.

风钻的发明。The invention of pneumatic drill.

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要发明得先有发明者。An invention supposes an inventor.

本发明涉及一种晾衣架。The invention relates to an airer.

他获得了这项发明的专利权。He got a patent for this invention.

是蔡伦发明的。Cailun is credited for its invention.

他说这个发明是她的。He accredited her with the invention.

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需要乃发明之母。Necessity is the mother of invention.

但无聊并非当下之新发明。But frivolity isn’t a recent invention.

感谢上帝VCR被发明出来了。Thank God for the invention of the VCR.

我们需要一项新发明来使之实现。We need an invention to make it happen.

他向我们演示那项新发明。He demonstrated the new invention to us.

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温度计是意大利人发明的。The thermometer is an Italian invention.

本发明公布了一种橡皮泥笔。The invention discloses a plasticine pen.

这项新发明获得最高奖。This new invention won the highest award.