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没有冬路。No winter road.

在建设路上?On Jianshe road?

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街路变宽了。Street Road broad.

路凹下去了。The road caved in.

道路通畅。The road is clear.

穿过一条小马路。Cross a small road.

此路不通。Not a Through Road.

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此路到此为止。The road ends here.

汽车沿着道路排列。Cars lined the road.

我住在公园路。I live on Park Road.

这条马路向南伸延。The road runs south.

然后我将左转到公园路。Then I'll Park Road.

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这条路有多长?。How long is the road?

这条路有多宽?How wide is the road?

我住在白塔路。I live on Baita Road.

这条路太陡了。The road is so steep.

沿着那条路直走。Walk along that road.

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我们不想要路。We don't want a road.

沿着这条路往北走。Go north on this road.

我住在延安路。I live on Yan'an Road.