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然而,一种名为牛痘的病毒传播的速度比我们所能想像的快四倍。However, a virus called vaccinia spreads four times faster than what was thought possible.

牛痘病毒B1R基因产物是一个蛋白激酶,在病毒的DNA复制中起着重要作用。Vaccinia virus B1R gene product acts as protein kinase with an essential role in viral DNA replication.

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因此,胞浆内繁殖的特性是痘苗病毒载体具有密码子宽容性的主要原因。The mechanism of this broad compatibility is mainly related to the cytoplasmic transcription of vaccinia virus.

此后,科学家们一直研究痘苗病毒,把它作为一个平台来开发对抗其他疾病的疫苗。Since then, scientists have continued to study vaccinia as a platform to develop vaccines against other diseases.

因为天花疫苗是使用活的疫苗病毒,有时它会造成严重的,可能会致命的不良反应。Because smallpox vaccine uses live vaccinia virus, it can sometimes cause severe and sometimes fatal side effects.

研究人员们首先将痘苗病毒中在正常细胞中生长所必须的两个基因去除。The researchers began by removing two genes from a vaccinia virus that are necessary for its growth in normal cells.

牛痘刚感染一个细胞后,就在细胞表面显示出两个病毒蛋白,这表明细胞已经感染。Just after vaccinia infects a cell, it expresses two viral proteins on the cell surface, which marks the cell as infected.

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痘苗病毒侵入一个细胞之后就好象一直在说这句话,阻止其他痘苗病毒跟着进来。That's what the vaccinia virus seems to be saying after it invades a cell and prevents its companions from following suit.

牛痘的故事告诉我们,战胜传染病需要世界各国的共同努力。Vaccinia story tells us that the fight against infectious disease needs the concerted efforts of all countries in the world.

然而我们还不能断定,至少这个时候无法断定,这些被感染的细胞就是牛痘病毒的宿主Well, it turns out that we could not identify, at least at that point, a cell culture that would serve as a host for vaccinia.

所建立的痘苗病毒系列检测方法,为天花相关病毒的实验室诊断奠定了基础。The detection methods for vaccinia virus were developed and provide a base for laboratory diagnosis of variola-related viruses.

正常条件下,牛痘病毒每1.2小时传遍一个细胞,而现在减慢至每五六小时传遍一个细胞。Under normal conditions, vaccinia spread across one cell every 1.2 hours, which was slowed to one cell every five to six hours.

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医院和公共卫生部门职员推荐这母子保持隔离直到他们不再有牛痘痂。Hospital and public health officials recommended that the mother and child remain isolated until they had no more vaccinia scabs.

伦敦研究所的细胞生物学家迈克尔·韦同样认为,其他的病毒也可能运用了痘苗的感染策略。Cell biologist Michael Way of the London Research Institute agrees that other viruses may also use the vaccinia infection strategy.

MVA是高度减毒的痘苗病毒株,利用重组MVA可诱导针对多种病原体和肿瘤细胞的免疫应答。MVA is a highly attenuated vaccinia virus, recombinant MVAs had potentials in inducing immune responses to infectious agents and tumor cells.

痘苗病毒使用在牛痘苗时是无害的,因为它与作为传播天花媒介物的天花病毒相关。The vaccinia virus is a non-dangerous virus used in the smallpox vaccine because it is related to the variola virus, which is the agent of smallpox.

在二十世纪四十年代,科利尔带领一群人开始研究,一种大规模的生产方法,这种方法能制得牛痘病毒的可靠来源And so in the 1940s, a group of people led by Collier started to develop a large scale production method for making a reliable source of vaccinia virus.

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当其他的痘苗病毒前来攻击的时候,另一种蛋白质——肌动蛋白中长长的射丝就开始从细胞膜里发射出来,将病毒弹射回去。When other vaccinia viruses come knocking, long projections of another protein, actin, shoot out from the cell membrane, causing the virus to bounce off.

结果显示,MVA同源重组频率虽然比其他痘苗病毒株要低,但仍然是较高的。The results showed that the recombination frequency of these rMVAs was significantly high, though lower than that observed in other vaccinia virus strains.

体内实验显示,尽管天坛株比神经毒性的WR株毒性弱很多,但天坛株仍保留相当的神经毒性,而且经鼻腔接种可引起小鼠体重严重下降。Moreover, VTT is much less virulent than vaccinia WR but remains neurovirulent in mice and causes significant body weight loss after intranasal inoculation.