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这被称为摇尾狗。Its called Wag the Dog.

尾大不掉。The tail is too big to wag.

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这是我们WAG的基础。This is the basis of our WAG.

WAG生成器的首个版本First cut of the WAG generator

WAG生成器第三个版本Third cut of the WAG generator

项目WAG有多精确?How accurate is the project WAG?

那只机器猫能摇尾巴。The robotic cat can wag its tail.

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我的科学教师是王教师。My science tefeel sorer is Mr Wag.

我家小狗狗喜欢冲我摇尾巴。My puppy likes to wag his tail at me.

老板面前,尾巴摇得像只狗儿I wag my tail in front of all my bosses

狗一高兴就摇尾巴。Dogs wag their tails when they are pleased.

有时侯一高兴就帮你清掉咖啡桌上的杂物,就尾巴一摇就搞定了!Clear off the coffee table with one wag of its tail.

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狗露出牙时表示警告,摇摇尾巴则表示欢迎。Dogs show their teeth to warn, wag their tails to welcome.

在这方面,WAG方法的作用与T恤号码相似。In this respect the WAG approach is similar to T-Shirting.

他已经老了,如今的世界对上了年纪的人是毫无情面的。He was an old un, and the world did not wag well with old uns.

今年7月,Quidsi团队又成立了宠物用品销售网站。This past July the Quidsi team launched pet supply site

项目WAG与故事点或“T恤”相比有什么不同?How does the project WAG compare to story points or "T-Shirting"?

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互生最叫我们纪念的是他做人的态度。What wag most memorable about Husheng was his attitude toward life.

说明项目WAG使用方法的最佳途径是通过例子。The best way to explain the use of the project WAG is through an example.

危险的是,国内已经开始对国际上的狗摇尾巴了。The danger is that the domestic tail starts to wag the international dog.