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这种栓子可导致病人死亡。Such an embolus will kill your patient.

鞍状栓子是猝死原因。Such a saddle embolus is a cause for sudden death.

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栓塞血管中由栓子形成的障碍或闭塞。Obstruction or occlusion of a blood vessel by an embolus.

儿童的淋巴管瘤死于分岔癌栓。The child with the lymphangioma died from a bifurcation embolus.

由于栓子可以反复脱落,所以容易复发。Because embolus can fall off repeatedly, have a relapse easily so.

图示肾动脉形成了这种胆固醇栓子。Seen here in a renal artery branch are cholesterol clefts of such an embolus.

假手术对照组除不注入栓子外,其他操作步骤与手术组完全相同。The sham-operation group underwent the same process except injection of embolus.

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结果9例治愈出院,1例死于栓子脱落引起的肺栓塞。Results 9 cases recovered, 1 case died of lung embolism caused by dropped embolus.

非心源性的栓子,较常见的是脂肪栓子和空气栓子。Be not the embolus of heart source sex, commonner is adipose embolus and air embolus.

图示梗死为小斑点状出血,梗死由栓子引起。The infarction seen here has punctate hemorrhages. This infarct was caused by an embolus.

在她的协助下,懒散的小栓子拓荒种起了果园,还当上了村里的会计。With her help, the lazy little embolus up the orchard, and a pioneer in the village as the accounting.

采用从颈外动脉进行插管缓慢注入同种血栓栓子造成大鼠血管性痴呆模型。Retrograde injection with the homologous embolus through the external carotid artery initiated the vascular dementia rats.

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有栓子脱落患者的颈动脉粥样硬化斑块具有更明显的炎性细胞浸润。The carotid atherosclerotic plaques in patients with embolus detachment had more obvious inflammatory cellular infiltration.

我们提出一位患有二尖瓣心内膜炎合并菌块栓塞到右脚膕动脉的患者。We reported a case of infective endocarditis involving the mitral valve and complicated with septic embolus to the right popliteal artery.

在体外循环下进行血栓肺动脉内膜剥脱术。术中取出高度机化的血栓。Thromboendarterectomy was performed under cardiopulmonary bypass and a highly organised embolus was taken out from her right main pulmonary artery.

皮损组织病理检查显示真皮网状层血管中可见栓子,阿新蓝染色阳性。A skin biopsy taken from an erythematous macule on her left palm revealed an embolus within a vessel in the reticular dermis, Alcian blue staining was positive.

结论TEE对探查无心脏病史的青年脑梗死的病因及栓子来源具有一定意义。Conclusion TEE dose have certain value in exploring the etiological factor of young cerebral infarction patients without cardiac disease history and the source of embolus.

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由于栓子阻塞了脑血管造成血流中断,局部脑组织缺血、缺氧、软化、坏死,而出现相应的神经症状。As a result of embolus block cerebral blood-vessel causes blood stream to interrupt, local brain tissue is short of blood, anoxic, bate, necrotic, and appear corresponding neurosis shape.

铲形马蒂蛛雄蛛触肢之插入器为带状,末端回转一圈,并且触肢胫节突起呈铲形,末端扩大、截平,并有细齿状突起,与本属其他种类可资区别。It can be distinguished from other congeners by having a coiled ribbon-shaped embolus and a spatulate tibial apophysis widened distally and densely covered with fine denticles on its distal end.