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这股疯狂劲儿可不只存在于中东。It’s not just all the craziness in the Middle East.

想要远离使你抓狂的圣诞节大采购?Want to get out of the craziness of Christmas shopping?

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幸运的是,我认为大多数人都有一点点的疯劲。Fortunately, I think most people have a little bit of craziness in them.

当时间迫近红毯秀正式开始的下午5点时,现场的疯狂进一步升级。As the hour ticks closer to the 5 p.m. showtime, the craziness escalates.

当人们有狂热劲头的时候,那个古老简练的谚语“物稀为贵”就真的起了大作用。When it comes to craziness the old minimalistic phrase of less is more really works.

这种款式叫做“维克多和罗尔佛超现实礼服",我将它叫作"流行女装的疯狂".These are Viktor and Rolf Surrealist Gowns, that's what I call haute couture craziness.

对于暴怒行为,可以跟笑着谈论上下班交通忙乱一样简单。For road rage, it could be as simple as laughing over the craziness of rush-hour traffic.

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假如你患病,孤独,或身处战事,疯狂和绝望占据着你的灵魂,金钱拯救不了你。If you are sick, alone, in a war, dominated by craziness and despair, money cannot save you.

所以,你需要有那种能产生出一点看似「愚蠢」的想法的智力。So you need the kind of intelligence that produces ideas with just the right level of craziness.

他对流行音乐的爱好一开始只是为了放松自己,到后来可以说是如醉如痴。His love for pop music went from the need to relax himself to what can be described as craziness.

回过头我们再来说说那些现在才勇于正视共和党疯狂的人的过失。Which brings me to the culpability of those who are only now facing up to the G.O.P.’s craziness.

从家里的母亲到随叫随到的紧急应对团队,总有些方法可以限制这些一团糟的情况以及典型工作压力。From moms at home to on-call response teams, there are ways to limit the craziness and typical work day sress.

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但是你的守护星土星也在那里,压制着你的疯狂,尽量保持现状。But your key planet Saturn is also in the picture to suppress the edge of craziness and maintain the status quo.

但“现在,它在任何时候都不缺人,都很热闹,还有餐馆,是少数几个这样的地区之一。But “now it is one of the few areas that has enough people and craziness going on all the time, and restaurants.

文哉摇摇晃晃站起来,说当时只是偶然在路上遇见她,其实当时是谁无所谓。Wen zai craziness stood up and said at that time only by chance met her, in fact at that time is who doesnt matter.

随着疯狂的蔓延,数十亿石油美元源源不断涌入,卡扎菲可以向外国元首示好并影响非洲了。As the craziness spread, oil billions poured in, allowing Gadaffi to romance foreign heads of state and influence Africa.

真正的疯狂开始于2006年,由于被丰厚的利润所吸引,投资者纷纷将资产投入私募公司。The real craziness started in 2006. Dazzled by rich returns, investors threw more and more money at private equity firms.

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是什么成就了麦迪逊大道上的那家商铺,他全面又无可置辩地诠释了猫迷们的疯狂。What made the store on Madison Avenue so great is how entirely and unapologetically it gave into the notion of cat craziness.

哎呀,你抓到我了!我疯狂的手艺完全失控了!天知道除了一团糟以外我还能作出什麽!Oops, you caught me! My craziness for crafts is completely out of control! Who knows what I'll make next — besides a big mess!

如果你是小说或电影的粉丝,你会对游戏中不断发生的疯狂场景会心一笑。If you're a fan of the novels or films, don't be surprised to find yourself chuckling along with all the craziness going on onscreen.