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杂技演员表演的绝技。A performance by mummers.

特高性能?。VHP? Very High Performance?

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她的表演赢得一片喝彩声。Her performance drew cheers.

为何使用性能工程?Why performance engineering?

表现色域宽。Performance wide color gamut.

这可以提高性能。This can improve performance.

法伊表现为佩林在A。Fi and Palin in a performance.

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我们的演出很成功。Our performance was a success.

这样将降低性能。This will degrade performance.

性能会有所提高吗?Would the performance improve?

演出很成功.The performance was successful.

这是为了有更好的性能。This is for better performance.

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克鲁塞的演出才是关键。Cluzet's performance is the key.

请欣赏葫芦丝演奏。Please enjoy Hulusi Performance.

改善噗浪输入法表现。Improved Performance Plurk Input.

行为艺术还是艺术人生?。Performance Art or Artistic Life?

规模会影响投资表现Size is the enemy of performance.

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防堵性能好。Anti blocking performance is good.

我最近表现怎么样?How about my performance recently?

她没有表演才赋。She has no talent for performance.