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我想,我能从一屋子女人放的屁里把她的屁挑选出来。I think I could pick hers out in a roomful of farting women.

与满房间档案盒存储的数据相比,现代计算机存储器存储的数据要多得多。Modern computer memories can store more data than a roomful of filing boxes.

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他连向陌生人打听时间都不好意思,更不用说向一屋子人讲话了。He's too shy to ask a stranger the time, still less speak to a roomful of people.

在满屋子的笑声中,我们迎来了我们的一对女儿。And with that our daughters were welcomedinto their lives with a roomful of laughter.

我们的女儿就这样在一屋子的欢笑中来到了这个世界。And with that our daughters were welcomed into their lives with a roomful of laughter.

满屋子机械有机体之间相互改进也需要类似的局部性知识。A roomful of mechanical organisms improvising with each other demands a similar local knowledge.

2006年5月10日—假设有这样一屋子企业家,他们对拯救世界比对赚钱还感兴趣。May 10, 2006—Imagine a roomful of entrepreneurs more intent on saving the world than making money.

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我一进屋,就能进入角色,潜心默读,坐拥书城,其乐实在是不足为外人道也。As soon as I entered the room, I began to live my part as an avid reader sitting among a roomful of books.

当然了,在某些学校,我们也遇到过满屋子急躁的、并不情愿待在教室的学生。Of course, at certain schools we met a roomful of irritable students who clearly did not want to be there.

皮萨罗同意对方用一屋金子来交换阿塔瓦尔帕,但这个西班牙佬后来又食言毁约。Pizarro agreed to release Atahualpa in return for a roomful of gold, but the Spaniard later reneged on the deal.

曾经我问一屋子共进晚餐的客人们,有谁,感觉到被地球表面上的某个地方强烈的牵引着。Once I asked a roomful of supper guests who, if anyone, felt any strong pull to any certain spot on the face of the earth.

在会议室内坐满了表情严肃的官员,他宣布中国必须“坚决抵制”庸俗、低俗和媚俗的文化。To a roomful of grim-faced officials, he declared that China must “resolutely resist” vulgar, cheap and kitsch forms of culture.

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如果满屋子都是陌生人,可是其中突然有几个朋友出现的话,就能使你得到方式,感觉更自然。Instead of a roomful of strangers, you all of a sudden have some friends in the audience helping you to relax and feel more at ease.

我坐在一屋子中国青少年中间,他们不断问我的学术经历和其他国家的尖锐问题。I sat surrounded by a roomful of Chinese teenagers who were asking probing questions about my academic experiences and other countries.

拍这张照片花了六个小时,跳了28次,还有一屋子的助手向空中扔那些愤怒的猫和装满水的水桶以获得完美的曝光。It took six hours, 28 jumps, and a roomful of assistants throwing angry cats and buckets of water into the air to get the perfect exposure.

虽然极尽能事地刻画细节?但她们充其量也不过是一屋子把芭比娃娃靠到一起,通过做一些下流的事情寻找刺激的女孩子而已。For all their graphic bravado, they're no more than a roomful of girls pressing Barbie dolls together for the thrill of doing something dirty.

如果我是在一家满是当地人的房间里的话,我希望我能了解更多这些挤得密密麻麻看电视的奇怪的外国人。Had I been among the roomful of locals, I would’ve wanted to know more about this odd foreigner watching the televised match with such intensity.

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读这本书,你几乎能够听到她领导了一屋子专家在一个研讨会上谈论他们的经验。Reading this book, you can almost hear her leading a roomful of professionals in a seminar discussion of their experiences in the corporate trenches.

这是一位来自美国得克萨斯州的44岁养老基金经理。麦奎尔最近于柏林一次黄金论坛上发言,在一屋子的黄金爱好者当中激起轩然大波。The 44-year-old pension -fund manager from Texas, who spoke recently at a gold conference in Berlin, caused a stir among the roomful of gold aficionados.

他们的父亲希望能够改变一下这样的状况,所以,给悲观的孩子送了一屋子的玩具,又给乐观的孩子送了一屋子的马粪。Their father hopes to change this situation, so, for the pessimistic child gave a roomful of toys, and gave optimistic children send a roomful of horse dung.