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他靠笔耕为生。He lives by pen.

他靠种稻为生。He lives on rice.

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猫有九条命。A cat has 9 lives.

他住在本家附近。He lives near Ben.

现居住于孟买。He lives in Mumbai.

他住在台湾。He lives in Tiawan.

他住在苑里。He lives in Yuanli.

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我的姨妈住在这里.My aunt lives here.

她住在悉尼。She lives in Sindy.

他的网站是。He lives at

他靠乞讨过活。He lives by begging.

他靠务农过活。He lives by farming.

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他住在萨福克郡。He lives in Suffolk.

胡安住在纽约,他给住在俄勒冈州的的戴夫写了一封信。Dave lives in Oregon.

他以偷窃为生。He lives by thieving.

她住在纽顿。She lives in Newtown.

他住在汉普斯特德。He lives in Hampstead.

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他在印尼生活。He lives in Indonesia.

他住在纳什维尔。He lives in Nashville.

他和他妈妈生活在一起。He lives with his mom.