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原来他是一个古代的大官啊!Wow, he was a local luminary in ancient times!

这是太阳永存的星,并且它的名字永远称为太阳。The great luminary which is named the sun, for ever and ever.

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全球高级领导者教练领域的先驱与权威者。He is the vanguard and luminary of global instructor of senior leaders.

由于他发表的革新性研究,他在他的领域里被看做为一个引人注目的人物。He is considered a luminary in his field, due to the groundbreaking research he has published.

那个大人物一本正经地看起面前的报纸来,仿佛那些报纸是他头等关心的事情。That luminary gazed earnestly at some papers before him, as if they were of the greatest concern.

国际货币基金组织总裁拉加德是上周最新开通微博的西方名人。Christine Lagarde, head of the IMF, became the latest Western luminary to hop on the Weibo bandwagon last week.

虽然本周就要退休,盖茨作为行业领袖,还会继续在程序开发方面发挥他的影响。Though Gates will retire this week, the industry luminary will continue to impose his influence on program developers.

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华盛顿近东政策研究所专家则对这位前总统所犯历史错误感到“极度失望”。A luminary from the Washington Institute for Near East Policy was "saddened" by all the former president's historical errors.

在华盛顿哥伦比亚特区外的侨民社区里,纳斐熙女士现在已是名人,她似乎已经与其家族和传统言归于好。A luminary now in the exile community outside Washington, DC, Ms Nafisi appears to have made peace with her family and her heritage.

其实却躲在被子里看书、念经、修行、甚至修习梦光明,象骏马一样远远超胜于整天忙于吹嘘自己的人。Yet secretly he is reading books under the bed cover, reciting scriptures, doing meditation, or even practicing luminary dream yoga.

也正是那盏灯的昏光,触发了丁梅斯代尔先生的上述奇思异想,使他绽出了微笑——不,他简直是对那想法放声大笑——之后就怀疑自己是否要发疯了。The glimmer of this luminary suggested the above conceits to Mr. Dimmesdale, who smiled- nay, almost laughed at them- and then wondered if he were going mad.

户外灯杆型灯具物件本体,可区分为外部整体型态与内部机能二部分进行探讨。The main body of Outdoor Pole-Mounted Luminary object itself is divided into two portions, exterior integral styling and interior functioning, that can be researched.

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成立于1997年,光泽电气有限公司是一家专业生产接线端子位于东莞市的长江三角洲,靠近港澳。Established in 1997, Luminary Electric Co. , Ltd. is a professional manufacturer of terminal blocks situated in the Dongguan City of River Delta, near to Hong Kong and Macao.

香光尼众佛学院整理的中日文佛教建筑研究书籍、期刊论文、会议论文等。Done by the Luminary Buddhist Institute, with bibliographic information on Buddhist architecture in books, journal articles, conference reports, etc. , in Chinese and Japanese.

这个发光的物体就是一个生灵,长着金色的头发,目光柔和,神采飞扬,好像上帝一样,身上充满了青春的活力,正目不转睛地注视着大地,仿佛大地上满是他感到有趣的事物。The luminary was a golden-haired, beaming, mild-eyed, God-like creature, gazing down in the vigour and intentness of youth upon an earth that was brimming with interest for him.

他们的这种关系并没有持续很久,“因为荣格胃口很大”,他离开弗洛伊德的团体成为像他导师一样的心理学界杰出人物。This state of affairs was not to last long "for Jung has a proud stomach" and he parted company with Freud, to become, like his master, a luminary of the psychoanalytical world.

在中国最大的体育名人宣布了他要退役的决定之后,寻找下一个姚明的工作就紧锣密鼓地展开了。中国的体育星探们为找到这个未来之星,把所有的城市和幼儿园都翻了个遍。The search is on to fill Yao Ming's size-18 sneakers after China's biggest sports luminary announced his retirement, and Chinese scouts are combing city courts and pre-schools for a future star.