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她对人的关心是真诚的。Her interest in people was unfeigned.

你是个好人,毫不做作。You are the real good man and unfeigned.

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她面带真诚的惊讶看着他说。She looked at him with unfeigned astonishment.

主人带着由衷的喜悦接待了他们。Their hosts received them with unfeigned pleasure.

他对朋友之成功表现出真正之满足。He showed unfeigned satisfaction at his friend's success.

他对朋友的胜利表现出真正的满足。He clarifyed unfeigned satisfbehave at his friend's success.

捕捉真实生活的色彩,适切而不做作。For its realistic and colorful depiction of life, that is appropriate and unfeigned.

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藉由圣灵产生对弟兄真诚的爱,是真实悔改的最佳表徵。Unfeigned , fervent love through the Spirit should be the chief token of a true conversion.

廉洁,知识,恒忍,恩慈,圣灵的感化,无伪的爱心By pureness, by knowledge, by longsuffering, by kindness, by the Holy Ghost, by love unfeigned

如果实际生活中祖父母不在身边,没有哪个家庭会艰辛的为了找到替代祖父母们让我们给以真诚的尊敬。If actual grandparents are not at hand, no family should have too hard a time finding substitute ones to whom to give unfeigned homage.

追求卓越品质、制造一流产品,赛斯达人将与所有诚信客户密切合作,共创美好明天。Pursuing eximious quality , producing one class of product , saistar found a beautiful tomorrow together with all the unfeigned customers.

如果这里有一件事需要专一的祷告,就该祷告直到你能信上帝,直到你能发出无伪的赞美来感谢上帝的答应。When there is a matter that requires definite prayer, pray till you believe God, until with unfeigned lips you can thank Him for the answer.

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你们既因顺从真理,洁净了自己的心,以致爱弟兄没有虚假,就当从心里彼此切实相爱。Seeing ye have purified your souls in obeying the truth through the Spirit unto unfeigned love of the brethren, see that ye love one another with a pure heart fervently

在信的开头,写信人对德贝维尔的转变表示由衷的高兴,接着又感谢他的一片好意,就这个问题跟他通信。The letter began by expressing the writer's unfeigned joy atd'Urberville's conversion, and thanked him for his kindness in communicating with the parson on the subject.

在那位委员毫不掩饰地震惊中,列宁毫不迟疑、简单而又正中靶心地回答了我的问题,当采访结束时,这位委员又天真地表达了自己的惊叹之情。To his unfeigned astonishment the questions were answered promptly, simply, and decisively, and when the interview was ended my companion naively expressed his wonderment.