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木炭画很容易弄脏。Charcoal drawings smudge easily.

该镜头很容易划伤或弄脏。The lens is easy to scratch or smudge.

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用一根棉签把轮廓抹花。Smudge the outline using a cotton-wool bud.

你的衬衫上有一块巧克力的污渍。You have a smudge of chocolate on your shirt.

独特的超快干配方,让你的眼线不会晕染或结块。The quick drying formula means it won't smudge.

事实上,我有一个肚子不适酸痛,黑灰抱怨。In fact, I have a tummy ache, Smudge complained.

山岩半腰处有绿糊糊的一长块。There was a long green smudge half-way up the rock.

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因此我现在写了钩和弄脏我的写作。Thus I now write with a hook and smudge my writing.

大黑狗司马吉和小棕犬切特尼是亨利和凯特家的。Black dog Smudge and Brown dog Cheney are Henry & Kate' pets.

用模糊工具和小的硬笔刷来刻画头发的纹理。Streaks of hair fined out using smudge tool and small hard brushes.

他向前指着,穿过层层薄雾,指向地平线上一个小黑点。He pointed ahead through the haze to a darker smudge on the horizon.

你的头发就会有更抵的分配率,你就需要使用越多的污点模式。The lower resolution your hair is, the more you will need to smudge.

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即使在你做强度运动时也不会掉装或模糊。They won’t crease or smudge even during the most strenuous exercise.

但是与它搭配的手提钱袋上有个很大的睫毛油染的污点。But the clutch purse that goes with it has a huge mascara smudge on it.

将你的花纹图层和“风化”图层弄锈一点也不错。It also nice to smudge a little on the decal layer and the "wind" layer.

警方从衬衫上的血迹辨认出女凶手。The police identified the murderess from a smudge of blood on the shirt.

“勘测者3号”两年前在右下角的黑点处着陆。Surveyor 3 had landed two years earlier in the dark smudge at lowerright.

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斯玛奇喜欢露西,一条成熟的斯伯林格斯班尼犬。Caspar, Nugget, Yank, Priscilla. Smudge loved Lucy, a more mature springer.

湾一百英里长安然无恙的海岸线上一个硝烟滚滚的污点。The base was just a smudge on the untouched hundred-mile coast of Manila Bay.

我们带斯玛奇到狗公园,一小块围有护栏,供狗跑动的地方。We took Smudge to the dog park, a little fenced-in area where dogs could run.