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胸罩上的字读'选票'。The character on the brassiere reads'box '.

胸罩上的字读'选票'。The character on the brassiere reads 'ballot box'.

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顾名思义,它的架构没有支撑罩杯。Consists of a brassiere frame with no support cups.

折扣优惠让我想购买胸围。I would like to buy the brassiere when they provide discount.

一款高档胸罩比一个高档手袋花费的要少得多。Anexpensive brassiere will cost less than an expensive handbag.

罩在胸部上的胸罩的两个部分之一。Either of the two parts of a brassiere that fit over the breasts.

由奶罩套及充气囊组成。The utility model comprises brassiere sleeves and air charging cells.

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这次应该教育他们如何正确穿戴胸罩。They should be taught the correct way of wearing brassiere at this time.

胸罩这个词在1907年首次出现在杂志上,从此后胸罩成为了女人的时尚。Brassiere first showed on magazines in 1907, after that bra became fashion of women.

本实用新型涉及一种衣架,尤其是保存文胸的衣架。The utility model relates to a clothes rack, in particular to a rack for storing a brassiere.

现在,内衣店都有挥着卷尺的专门的工作人员,乐意并且急切地想帮助你挑选文胸。Now we have specialists wielding tape measures, happy and eager to help you with your brassiere needs.

近年来,随着人们对文胸的关注程度的提高,文胸市场和文胸工业迅猛发展。Currently, the market and industry of brassiere have rapidly developed with the increase of people's attention.

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噢,有了…今晚早些时候,我无意往窗外看,一个胸罩映入我眼帘。那些看起来眼熟吗?。Oh, yes. Earlier this evening, I happened to gaze out the window and a brassiere caught my eye. Do those look familiar ?

胸罩这个词在1907年首次出现在杂志上,从此后胸罩成为了女人的时尚。但是你知道胸罩是由什么制成的吗?Brassiere first showed on magazines in 1907, after that bra became fashion of women. But do you know what is bra made of?

先将软垫按在吸奶罩上,然后将吸奶罩装在吸力球上,轻轻压紧,以保持密封性能。First will soft mat on suck, and then will suck the brassiere installed in the ball in suction brassiere, gently pressure, to keep the sealing performance.

哥伦比亚是拉丁美洲能够制造优质女士内衣的国家之一,可我在波哥大却买不到无填充物的文胸。COLOMBIA IS ONE of Latin America's top makers of fine lingerie, but finding an unpadded brassiere in Bogotá is impossible. I have been to more than half a dozen stores.

本发明涉及一种内衣或胸罩,特别是涉及一种具有保健作用的中药保健内衣或胸罩。The present invention relates to an underwear or brassiere , particularly a healthcare underwear or brassiere using traditional Chinese medicine, which has the effect of health care.

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在紧急情况下,这件性感的妇女贴身内衣“能够很快地变作两个只防毒面具,一只给胸罩的主人用,一只给身边有需要的人用。”The sexy lingerie "can quickly be converted into a pair of protective face masks, one for the brassiere wearer and one to be given to some needy bystander" in the event an emergency.