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这趟车什么时候抵达卢森堡?What time does the train reach Luxemburg ?

卢森堡位于比利时、德国和法国之间。Luxemburg lies between Belgium, Germany and France.

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一个班跟卢森堡的学生举行视频会议。One class video-conferenced with students in Luxemburg.

他在卢森堡发表讲话,却被流放到法国。He was speaking from Luxemburg but lives in exile in France.

杀害罗莎·卢森伯格的消息引起了极大的愤慨。The news of the murder of Rosa Luxemburg roused great indignation.

属于或关于卢森堡大公国、或其人民的,或有其特点的。Of or relating to or characteristic of the grand duchy of luxemburg or its people.

自由始终是、并且只能是持不同思想者的自由。Freedom is always and exclusively freedom for the one who thinks differently. Rosa Luxemburg.

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相应的,比利时和卢森堡的政府会持有法国巴黎银行的一小部分股份。The governments of Belgium and Luxemburg will in return take a minority stake in BNP Paribas.

罗沙卢森堡和卡尔列伯克耐克特以及其他一群犹太人接管了政府三天时间。Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht and a group of other Jews took over the government for three days.

其实这个记录是由米兰保持的,1962年的9月12日,米兰曾8比0击败过卢森堡联队。But the Italian record in the European Cup is held by Milan, who on 12 september 1962 beat Union Luxemburg 8-0.

长期以来,国际上对罗莎·卢森堡本人及其理论观点一直存在争论。For a long period of time, there have always been international controversies about Rosa Luxemburg herself and her theories.

欧盟外交部长周一于卢森堡会面探讨了这项事宜,告诫道没有简便的方法走出当前的僵局。EU foreign ministers met in Luxemburg on Monday to discuss the issue, but warned there is no easy way out of the present impasse.

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国外参加者在知识与政治上是完全多样化的,他们中的大部分都是罗莎卢森堡基金选来的。The foreign participants were quite diverse intellectually and politically, with most of them selected by the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation.

安赛乐米塔我团体是环球最优异的钢铁造制商,正在60多个国度招聘31万名员工,总部设正在卢森堡。ArcelorMittal is the world's number one steel company, with 310,000 employees in more than 60 countries. Its headquarters is located in Luxemburg.

欧洲中央银行总裁、卢森堡首相兼欧元区主席,以及欧洲委员会的主席都参加了本次峰会。Also attending the summit were the European Central Bank head, the prime minister of Luxemburg who is also head of the Eurozone group, and the head of the European Commission.