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随处可见。You can always find the latrine.

现在走到茅坑那里把你的脸放在里面。Now go close to the latrine and put your face there.

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但是,还没有自来水和屋外的场院。Still, it has no running water and one outdoor latrine.

每个避难单元配有厕所和洗澡间。Moreover, each unit comes up with a latrine and bathroom.

没有正规的厕所,只有一个位于室外的茅坑。There were no proper toilets, but only an outdoor latrine.

见鬼,我带他们去看了之后,他们才知道什么是军厕。Hell, they didn't know what a damn latrine was till I showed them.

她的第一个目标就是改善家庭环境,很多年来,他们一家只住在一小块土地上,连厕所都没有。For many years, they had been living on a tiny piece of land with no latrine.

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等那满口脏话的老头骂够了,我就要讲了。When the old latrine lips finishes shocking everyone, I have something to say.

2008年,有26亿人仍不能获得卫生厕所或者安全厕所。In 2008 2.6 billion people still had no access to a hygienic toilet or safe latrine.

一天晚上,我去上厕所,其他人都去了地下休息室。One night I went to the latrine while everyone went down to the basement break room.

这个简陋的厕坑是乐施会最早期的救援措施之一,有助改善卫生,防止疾病蔓延。A simple community latrine –one of Oxfam's early responses for better sanitation, and less disease.

古代希腊城市,及罗马城市,都有公共厕所。You can't wander around any Greek city, or Roman city of the Ancient World, without seeing the latrine.

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使用超疏水材料,不必使用水冲刷就可以保持厕所的清洁。By incorporating super-hydrophobic materials, a latrine could remain clean without the need for water flushing.

尽管距离取决于公厕和土壤的类型,但都不能距使用者50米以上。Although all these distances depend on latrine and soil type, latrines should be located no more than 50 m from users.

2008年,有26亿人不能获得卫生厕所或茅厕,11亿人需要在露天排便。In 2008, 2.6 billion people had no access to a hygienic toilet or latrine and 1.1 billion were defecating in the open.

但5年后,该镇将断掉定居点的电力供应,并且已经驳回申请公共厕所的请求。But after five years, the town had provided no electricity and had turned down their application for a communal latrine.

社会经济状况、公厕密度、人口密度以及研究年份都未对患病风险产生重大影响。Neither socioeconomic status, latrine density, population density nor study year had a significant influence on disease risk.

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她说,虽然一个印度公厕清洁工可能有机会去投票,但是一个中国公厕清洁工很少会被视为低等人类。An Indian latrine cleaner may get to vote, she says, but a Chinese one is far less likely to be viewed as completely subhuman.

作为目标不高的标记,国际卫生年的标识是个建在地坑上的公共厕坑。As a sign of low ambitions, the logo of the International Year of Sanitation shows a latrine built above a hole in the ground.

一路上,车上的人越来越挤,东圊站到了,有一个老奶奶上车了,老奶奶被挤得都有点站不稳了。Along the way, people more and more crowded car, East latrine station, an old lady on the train, the old granny was packed are a bit shaky.