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给你尝尝草原上的酥油茶。Please try the milk tea of steppe.

直到最近,奥奇古一家才搬离了大草原。Until recently, the family lived on the steppe.

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其中丛生禾草草原最具代表性。And the tussock-grass steppe is the most typical.

其它还有疏林草原和荒漠植被。Others are sparse forest steppe and desert vegetation.

我叫盖瑞,我是只沙鼠,住在蒙古草原上。My name is Gary. I am a gerbil, I live in Mongolian steppe.

他知道他的下一个草原和蒙古马的感觉。He knows the steppe and the feel of a Mongol horse under him.

这在干草原和草甸干草原地区是一块好饲料草地。This is a good forage grass in steppe and meadow steppe regions.

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男人都有着狼性,如狼王一般,带领自己的团队,寻找生命中的草原。Every man has the wolf-spirit, lead the army for the life steppe.

草原带以上高寒荒漠不存在,高寒草旬则有一定发育。Above the steppe zone there is no alpine desert, but alpine meadow.

大风卷袭着草原的尘土,掀起塔楼上的窗帘。The wind that blows the dry steppe dust. Stirs the curtains in your tower.

哈尔滨的松花江流域属于松辽平原的草甸草原草场范畴。Songhua river basin of Harbin is belong to meadow steppe in Songliao Plain.

这种聚集在新西兰被发现,在哈萨克斯坦的大草原上也有发现。Concretion found in New Zeland. Concretion found in the steppe of Kazakhstan.

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蒙古包是游牧平易近族顺应于草原情况的又一个发明创造。Yurts are adapted to the nomadic steppe environment to create another invention.

森林、灌丛、草甸、草原到荒漠呈带状更迭。The changes are manifested in belts from forest, bush, meadow and steppe to desert.

以浑善达克沙地草地为研究对象,研究了74种草地植物的避牧性。The grazing avoidance of 74 species of plants in sand pasture in steppe was studied.

共和盆地地处半干旱地区,地带性植被为荒漠草原和草原类型。The zonal vegetations of the semiarid Gonghe Basin are desert steppe and steppe type.

在布满尘埃的灰色岩石山丘上,我们看见了埃及秃鹫和草原鹰。Amid grey mounds of dusty rocks we were able to see Egyptian vultures and steppe eagles.

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还有,黑火药成了清朝压制其他草原部落力量的一大利器。Gunpowder also aided theQing'scause, allowing them to negate the power of the steppe tribes.

这些大草原使得蒙古人形成了健壮、流动、自立和自由的文化特点。Mongolian culture—physical, mobile, self-reliant, and free—developed out here on the steppe.

它那681页的文本读起来就像在蒙古草原上急行军一样让人累得慌。Its 681 pages of text are at times as grueling as a forced march across the Mongolian steppe.