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动荡轴心有很多的成员国。The axis of upheaval has many members.

在道德沦亡的时代,我们该何去何从?What do we do in times of moral upheaval?

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这也是1949年发生社会动荡的原因。There was a reason for the upheaval of 1949.

在有些方面,巨变倍受欢迎。In some ways, the upheaval will be a welcome one.

风险管理的过程亦在经历剧变。The mechanics of risk management are also in upheaval.

当前这场剧变将再次调整世界的景观。The current upheaval is changing the landscape yet again.

在家庭遭受巨变时,创业要讲究量力而为。Don's overstretch your start-up in times of family upheaval.

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1968年是全世界政局的多事之秋。The year 1968 was one of political upheaval throughout the world.

上周在巴基斯坦的政治里是一段大动荡时期。Last week was a time of great upheaval in the politics of Pakistan.

很有可能是个政治动荡和外交纷争的杂烩。Probably with mixture of political upheaval and diplomatic intrigue.

确实,我们已经可以看到现在这场动荡的先兆了。Indeed, we can already see the first symptoms of the coming upheaval.

现在看起来似乎在夏季的时候在纽卡斯尔将会有更多的剧变。It now looks as though summer will see yet more upheaval on Tyneside.

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冉阿让这时的心正受着骇人的折磨。Jean Valjean at that very moment was the prey of a terrible upheaval.

这些文件安然无恙地经过了多年的战乱和发掘。The documents survived unmolested through centuries of war and upheaval.

周一陈耀昌离职为沃尔玛在中国近期的混乱局面再添变数。The departures announced on Monday added to other recent upheaval in China.

当今的剧变并非凭空发生,这些种子早已埋下。Today’s upheaval did not occur from nowhere. The seeds were planted earlier.

但如果这些想法是正确的,那对于人类的认知将无异于是一场变革。But if this idea is correct, it is a fantastic upheaval in our understanding.

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新生代是一个充满了地壳巨变和剧烈火山活动的时期。The Cainozoic period, was a period of upheaval and extreme volcanic activity.

随着出版和广播在数字时代退居二位,媒体发生了剧变。As print and broadcast give way to the Digital Age, the media are in upheaval.

但是,即使是动乱也只是打断了印尼的进程,而没有让它停止。But even that upheaval only interrupted Indonesia’s progress without halting it.