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我那破车还在跑着。My old car is still rattling along.

雹子打在屋顶上乒乓乱响。Hailstones were rattling on the roofs.

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风吹窗户格格发响。The windows were rattling in the wind.

我们就像被夹在豆荚里的四颗豆子,飘摇不定。Rattling around like four peas in a pod.

冰雹劈里啪啦地敲打着窗玻璃。Hailstone are rattling on the window-panes.

他滔滔不绝地讲述他的奇遇。He kept rattling away about his adventures.

他们扎完了绳梯的横索就上岸了。They finished rattling down and went ashore.

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另一列火车咔嗒咔嗒地穿过了那座桥。Another train was rattling across the bridge.

门窗被风刮得乒乓山响。The doors and windows are rattling in the wind.

没有了嗒嗒的马蹄声,也听不见滚滚的车轮声!No more tramping hoofs, no more rattling wheels!

他用楔子把窗户塞紧使它不作响。He wedged the window to prevent it from rattling.

他唠叨的主要是一些假语村言。Slang had been a principal component of his rattling.

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我最终设法解决了汽车发出的吱吱声。I finally managed to cure the rattling noise in my car.

有两箱仪器内货格格响。There are two cases of apparatus with contents rattling.

叮铛声一种象口袋中硬币碰撞发出轻微。A slight, metallic sound, as of coins rattling in a pocket.

窗户格格作响,外边不停地刮着风,像在低声耳语。Outside the rattling windows there was a restless whispering wind.

他的手推车虽然昨天上了油,但跑起来还是嘎嘎作响。His handcart is still rattling along though it was oiled yesterday.

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欧元危机使得全世界范围的市场和经济恐慌不已。The euro crisis is rattling markets and economies around the world.

这就像房间里一些陶资碎片的咔嚓声,然后又把它锁上了。It is like rattling some potsherds in a room and then locking it up.

正在这时,一声震耳欲聋的爆炸突然袭来,把窗玻璃震得当当地响。At that same instant, a deafening explosion set the windows rattling.