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另外,本文首次提出根据潜水水位曲线确定边坡几何形状的理论。The theory of the phreatic water level confirms the slope form was first presented.

浅层承压水含水组的地下水质变化特征和潜水基本一致。The variation characteristics of shallow confined groundwater are similar with phreatic water.

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该计算模块既能处理饱和流,也能处理浅层地下水面的非饱和流。The code handles both fully saturated flow, as well as flow in which a phreatic surface develops.

该实验为定量研究夹砂层状土壤潜水蒸发提供了新思路。The research supplies a new method for quantitative study of steady phreatic evaporation of sand-layer soil.

潜水面附近是水平岩溶发育带,任丘古潜山有三个水平溶蚀带。The horizontal karst zones developed near phreatic level form three horizontal leached beltsin Renqiu buried hill.

渗流理论中现有的潜水面边界条件表达式是针对特定方向的一类潜水渗流问题而给出的。In the seepage theory, the current expression of boundary condition on phreatic surface is aimed at a kind of seepage.

蒸发总量的影响,提出了冻结期潜水蒸发折算系数的概念。Based on the analysis, the concept of converted coefficient of phreatic evaporation during the freezing period is proposed.

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并且利用潜水蒸发的经验公式和数学模型,推导出潜水蒸发的计算公式。And using the experimental formula and mathematical model, the computing formula for the phreatic water evaporation is educed.

某银行驻外分行总经理告诉记者,他喜爱的极限运动是潜水。Some bank is stationed in outside branch general manager tells a reporter, the ultimate sport that he likes is phreatic water.

该丘经历了早期海底、海水潜流带、混合水和大气淡水成岩环境。This sponge mound has experienced the early submarine, marine phreatic water, mixed water and meteoric freshwater environments.

克鲁伦盆地存在潜水氧化带型和潜水层间氧化带型两种铀矿化类型。Two uranium mineralization types have been recognized, namely the interlayer oxidation zone type and the phreatic oxidation type.

给出了裂隙深度、各亚层界面、各层强度指标以及裂隙渗流浸润线的近似确定方法。The approximate determination methods for fissure depth, surface of sub-layers and phreatic line of seepage in fissures are given.

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一维非饱和模型与二维饱和模型的耦合点为非饱和带计算所得的通过潜水面的流量项。The coupling point was a water flux term at the phreatic surface through which the unsaturated zone linked with the saturated one.

黄河冲积平原中,黄河灌溉水入渗补给是该地区潜水的重要来源。In the Yellow River lacustrine plain, the phreatic water is mainly recharged by the irrigated water diverted from the Yellow River.

用统计方法和水量平衡法推导出江淮地区潜水蒸发经验计算模型。The calculating model of phreatic water evaporation in the Jianghuai region is given by means of statistic and water balance methods.

土堤的非饱和非稳定渗流计算分析中,堤内初始的浸润线位置对计算结果影响很大。In calculation of unsaturated unsteady seepage through embankments, the initial phreatic level affects the calculated result significantly.

利用非稳定流抽水试验资料通过配线法确定承压、潜水含水层参数是最常用的方法。It is a common method with fit curves to determine the parameters of the confined and phreatic aquifer based on the unsteady flow pumping test.

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潜水蒸发量是水资源分析评价中推算陆面总蒸发量的重要因素之一,尤其在缺乏资料地区更为重要。The phreatic water evaporation is an important factor for calculating the sur face total evaporation, especially in those areas that short of data.

在地下水均衡法计算中,主要通过建立第四系孔隙潜水均衡方程来求取转化量。In the groundwater balance approach, the transform amount is calculated by constructing a balance equation mainly of Quaternary phreatic groundwater.

白银公司三冶炼厂尾矿坝是一座险病坝,利用辐射井排水降低坝体浸润线的措施,保证了坝体的安全。The tailings dam in the Third Baiyin Smeltery is a damaged dam. To secure the dam, radial collector well is applied to cause a drawdown of The phreatic line.