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你的棍棒和他们的工作人员,他们留我。Thy bludgeon and they staff, they stay me.

不要棒击一个问题来伴随代码死亡。Do not bludgeon a problem to death with code.

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在国家之间,贸易经常是达的恫吓手段。Between countries trade is often a great bludgeon.

他们试图强迫我和他们一同抗议。They tried to bludgeon me into joining their protest.

很多厨房小变形金刚,其中一个是日本武士,难道是雾隐暗杖?Lots of kitchen bots. One was a Samurai too. Bludgeon?

头颅上也没有棍击的痕迹。There are no bludgeon marks on the surviving skeletons.

体型较大的幼鸟猛刺和击打较小的幼鸟,直到它屈服。The bigger siblings stab and bludgeon the little one, until he succumbs.

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这是一个棒打老鼠的WINDOWS鼠标游戏,里边有源码及必要说明。This is a bludgeon mice WINDOWS mouse games, a source inside and the need for information.

例如,熨斗可以用来熨平T恤之外,还可以作为自卫的武器,或者用来烤奶油三明治。For example, an iron could be used to press a shirt, bludgeon an intruder, or grill a cheese sandwich.

世界各国的领袖,其中包括很多神的敌人,都在尝试用强迫和欺吓手段争取更多权力。World leaders, many of them enemies of God, are trying to muscle and bludgeon their way to more power.

由于在薄暮中,这真象鬼魂出现似的,一个普通人在黄昏时见到是要害怕的,一个深思熟虑的人害怕的是闷棍。An ordinary man would have been alarmed because of the twilight, a thoughtful man on account of the bludgeon.

工人们将这些小动物扔在地上,用金属棒打他们或用力将他们摔在任何坚硬的表面上。Workers throw animals to the ground and bludgeon them with metal rods or slam them against any hard surface available.

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到了存放监狱里杀人证据的地方,你可能希望看到一些锋利的东西,可能是一支酒吧里的打狗棒,或者两支。Heading to the place where a prison's homicide evidence is kept, you might expect to see a few sharpened objects—maybe a bludgeon or two.

许多市场营销人员已被训练为以广告来欺压消费者,在消费者能被发现的任何时间地点进行推销。Many marketers have been trained to bludgeon consumers with advertising -- to sell, sell, sell anytime and anywhere consumers can be found.

用讥讽的玫瑰镇服你的对手,较之用嘲弄的板斧将他剁砍或用谩骂的大头棒将他捶打,更为温文尔雅。How much more elegant is it to slay your foe with the roses of irony than to massacre him with the axes of sarcasm or to belabour him with the bludgeon of invective.

所有的权利,似乎失效几个小时后,当不明袭击者使用了棍棒和金属管外,几乎杀死他的公寓楼在莫斯科市中心的大骨节。All the rights that seemed to lapse a few hours later, when unknown attackers used a metal pipe to bludgeon and almost kill Kashin outside his apartment block in the center of Moscow.

记得有一次我在和一大群食人妖作战时,我的剑在敲其中一个脑袋时弄断了,于是我拎著那家伙的耳朵,把他抓起来当棍子把他的同伴们通通敲死。I remember one time I was fighting this pack of trolls, and broke my sword on one of their skulls, so I grabbed him by the ears and used him like a club to bludgeon his friends to death.