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灵长类动物也可以微笑。Nonhuman primates smile as well.

它们是非人类的创造出来就是为了赚钱的。They are nonhuman entities created to make money.

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虽然对非人类思维进行人格化具有诱惑,但是可能产生出严重的问题。Anthropomorphizing nonhuman minds is tempting but likely to lead to serious errors.

非人类的认知方法会为我们提供超越并失去我们控制的美妙结果。Nonhuman cognitive methods will provide us wonderful results beyond and out of our control.

对灵长目的研究还揭示了环境和文化因素的重要性。Studies of nonhuman primates have also revealed the importance of environmental and cultural factors.

所以,我们害怕这些,不害怕这些,同样,灵长类。And so, we are afraid of these things and not so afraid of these things similarly for nonhuman primates.

她也是自我为中心,她主张中的弱点使她对非人类生物有种特别的同情。She is also autistic, a disability that she argues allows her a special empathy with nonhuman creatures.

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迄今为止猪的异体移植物被证实能够在非人灵长类持续存活几个月。To date, porcine xenografts have been shown to sustain the life of nonhuman primates for several months.

它将属于许多非人类思考方式的一种,也许能填充思考空间的宝库。It will be one of many nonhuman methods of thought that will probably fill the library of thinking space.

在一项较早的研究中,HEV基因型1重组蛋白疫苗对非人类灵长目有效。In an earlier study, genotype 1 HEV recombinant protein vaccine was shown to be effective in nonhuman primates.

在威瑟的环境计算世界里,每个房间里的大屏幕都是最聪明的非人类。In Weiser's world of environmental computing, the big display in every room is the smartest nonhuman in the room.

动物模型种类较多,包括小鼠、大鼠、豚鼠、兔和猴等都被作为炭疽的动物模型加以研究。Now, various kinds of animals including mice, rats, rabbits, and nonhuman primates were experimented as animal models.

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实际上他将动物称之为"野兽机器",他认为,非人类动物全是机器人,但人类是不同的In fact, he called them "Beast machines" and said animals, nonhuman animals are merely robots, but people are different.

当你意识到这种非人类的智慧,你会渐渐意识到海豚不应该属于囚笼。When you become conscious of this nonhuman intelligence, you realize after a while they don't really belong in captivity.

我们同时研究了人类和非人类雄性灵长类动物对红色的反应其实是相近的。"Our research demonstrates a parallel in the way that human and nonhuman male primates respond to red," concluded the authors.

现生的灵长类,除了人类以外,在地面上都习惯以四足行走。WITHOUT EXCEPTION, living nonhuman primates habitually move around on all fours, or quadrupedally, when they are on the ground.

作者认为,这是迄今为止在非人类物种领域发现的最复杂、最快捷的跨区域文化演变模式。The authors say it's one of the most complex and rapid patterns of cultural evolution across a region ever observed in a nonhuman species.

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当然这些吸血鬼当中的许多种都纯粹是邪恶、冷漠和非人类的吸血鬼,估计也不会再让汤姆克鲁斯和罗伯特·帕丁森这样的大帅哥演了。Of course many of these are pure evil, unsympathetic, nonhuman vampires that won't be played by Tom Cruise or Robert Pattinson any time soon.

结论观察丛状骨和骨单位带是根据人骨鉴别种属的重要排除指标。Conclusion The plexiform bone and osteon banding are the two important characteristics for certifying nonhuman bone in species identification.

我不知道,有证据表明,腼腆微笑在非人类,问题是,灵长类和人类微笑相同吗?I don't know. There's evidence that the coy smile shows up in non The question was, "Do nonhuman primates give the same smiles that humans do?