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这就是柏拉图眼中的形而上学That's Plato's picture of metaphysics.

假设我们承认这些形而上学。Suppose we accept all that metaphysics.

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前半部分是探讨形而上学。The first half of the class was metaphysics.

形而上学来说就是这样。That's where we're at in terms of the metaphysics.

一个没有行而上学的民族就像一座没有祭坛的神殿。A nation without metaphysics just like a fane without altar.

王弼、何晏一派的思想被称为玄学。The thought of Wang Bi and He Yan was called for Metaphysics.

马克思扬弃并最终超越了传统形而上学。Marx sublated and finally transcended traditional metaphysics.

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一个关于灵魂的形而上学的问题,灵魂能够分裂吗?We need to ask about the metaphysics of the soul,can souls split?

形而上学往往是修正的,而很少是描述的。Metaphysics has been often revisionary , and less often descriptive.

修正的形而上学就是起到了描述的形而上学的作用。Revisionary metaphysics is at the service of descriptive metaphysics.

要提倡唯物辩证法,反对形而上学和烦琐哲学。Promote materialist dialectics and oppose metaphysics and scholasticism.

要提倡唯物辩证法,反对形而上学和烦琐哲学。Promote materialist dialectics and oppose metaphysics and scholasticism.

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另外,一些术语对于玄学的学习者来说也是有帮助的。Additional terminology is always helpful for the learners of metaphysics.

他认为这是形而上学历史中隐藏的偏见。He claims that this is a hidden bias in the whole history of metaphysics.

老庄玄学盛行,促进了道教理论的发展。Laozhuang metaphysics prevails, promote the development of Taoist theory.

在形而上的意义上以及所谓的“新时代”中,很多人都是江湖骗子。Others are charlatans, even within metaphysics and the so called 'New Age'.

语言形而上学与语用学的发展息息相关。Metaphysics of language is closely related to the development of pragmatics.

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“自然”与“名教”之辩是魏晋玄学的中心议题。The argument of norm and nature is the central issue of Wei-Jin metaphysics.

关键的前提是,我们依然直接承认柏拉图的形而上学The crucial premise--Again, we're going to just grant Plato the metaphysics.

窗口的灿烂的早晨比书中的形而上学更令我满意。A morning-glory at my window satisfies me more than the metaphysics of books.